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e-con Systems Offers a Patented Hot-Pluggable GMSL Camera System for Uninterrupted Host Processor Streaming

We launched STURDeCAM34, which is the world’s first 140dB HDR hot-pluggable GMSL camera. The hot plug-and-play GMSL mechanism in this camera ensures that your host processor doesn’t crash if the camera is unplugged due to micro disconnections. In this blog, we go into detail about the features and benefits of the GMSL hotplug mechanism and its significance in industrial applications, including automotive.

e-con Systems Offers a Patented GMSL Hot-Pluggable Camera System for Uninterrupted Host Processor Streaming

We have recently launched STURDeCAM34, a GMSL2 camera, which is e-con Systems’ first-ever product that incorporates our patented hot-plug and play GMSL technology! It is all set to be a breakthrough solution for handling GMSL connections safely.

The hot-plug and hot-unplug mechanism ensures that plugging or unplugging the camera intentionally, or due to micro disconnections, won’t crash your host system. It is capable of handling disconnections, preventing data corruption and electrical damage. This system also addresses the inefficiency and risks of GMSL connection-based embedded vision applications.

In this blog, you’ll learn more about this patented technology, how it is immensely beneficial for GMSL cameras, and its use cases including automotive, autonomous vehicles, and delivery robots.

Key Features of Patented Hot-Plug and Play GMSL System

Timeout and System Stability

The hot-plug and play GMSL system uses a smart timeout mechanism that detects when the GMSL link gets disconnected. Instead of crashing the entire system, it displays a proprietary frame, keeping the system stable and responsive. When the link is restored, it smoothly reconfigures the camera and resumes streaming. This approach ensures the host system remains operational even during unexpected disconnections.

It helps restore the host system with timely interventions, which means the downtime is reduced by eliminating the need to reset or reconfigure the entire host system again. Instead of crashing or requiring a complete reboot, the system seamlessly detects the disconnection, displays a placeholder frame, and remains stable.

Polling Mechanisms for Connection Status

The hot-plug and play system comes with multiple polling mechanisms to monitor the stability of the GMSL connection continuously. There are three methods to deploy the GMSL link status:

  1. Polling the Link Lock Register (Deserializer Block): The deserializer block contains a link lock register that is continuously polled by the host processor via the I2C interface. This polling mechanism checks if the GMSL link is active or inactive, meaning it verifies whether the camera is connected or not. When the connection status changes (for example, if the camera is unplugged), the host processor can initialize, re-initialize, or de-initialize the camera accordingly. 
  1. Polling the Serializer Register: In this method, the system can poll any register in the serializer block. The host processor sends a request via the I2C interface, and if it receives an ACK (Acknowledge), the GMSL link is considered active. If a NACK (Not Acknowledge) is received, the link is deemed disconnected. This enables the system to determine the connection status directly from the serializer.
  1. Link Lock Output Pin (Interrupt-Based Detection): The deserializer block has a link lock output pin, which is set to HIGH when the serializer is connected and LOW when there is no connection. This pin change triggers an interrupt in the host processor, which immediately reacts to initialize or de-initialize the camera based on the link status. This is more efficient than continuous polling, as it only activates when there is a change, which reduces I2C bus traffic and minimizes CPU/host processor usage.

The hot-plug and hot-unplug system is also capable of detecting micro-plugging/unplugging events. Micro-unplugging is disconnections that happen for a split second due to vibrations or loose connections. By identifying these micro events, it prevents data corruption and potential instability on time, which can help prevent problems in the long run.

Predictive Failure and Protection

Apart from handling disconnection, this hot-plug and play system is also designed to analyze patterns in connection status and data integrity to predict potential failures. This predictive capability allows for proactive maintenance, reducing downtime and improving system reliability.

Host Processor and Power Management

The hot-pluggable technology works with a variety of host processors, including those without native I2C or MIPI interfaces. Microcontrollers and USB controllers are incorporated into the system to ensure compatibility across a wide range of systems. Additionally, it also ensures hardware protection against voltage spikes and power irregularities associated with hot-plugging events.

Software and CPU Optimization

To ensure efficient resource usage, the hot-plug system’s polling frequencies are made configurable. The system can reduce polling frequency during periods of stable connection, optimizing CPU utilization without compromising responsiveness.

Major Use Cases of Our Patented Hot-Plug and Play GMSL Camera System

In the automotive industry, especially for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), the patented hot-plugging GMSL system is a huge step forward.


An example of the GMSL hot plug’s application in ADAS is long-haul trucks with multiple cameras placed at various points for surround-view (360-degree view). During the maintenance or upgrades of these trucks, the GMSL hot plug enables hot-swapping cameras without powering down the entire system. It reduces downtime and ensures that critical safety systems remain operational even when one camera is being serviced.

Industrial systems

In industrial settings like factories or warehouses, where vision systems guide robots and monitor production lines, this technology comes into great use. It allows for quick camera replacements or repositioning without halting entire production processes. This flexibility can improve performance and lower costly downtimes.

Autonomous delivery robots

For autonomous delivery robots navigating busy city streets, the robustness of the hot-plug system can be a game-changer. These robots often encounter vibrations and jolts that could momentarily disconnect a camera. Our micro-plugging detection ensures continuous operation even in these challenging conditions, maintaining the robot’s ability to navigate safely.

Smart traffic management systems

In smart traffic management systems, where cameras are exposed to harsh weather conditions, the ability to hot-swap damaged units without disrupting the entire network is a major advantage. It ensures continuous monitoring and data collection, which is important for maintaining smooth traffic flow and safety.

Hence, the GMSL hot-plug and hot-unplug technology keeps multi-camera host systems running smoothly, safely, and efficiently, no matter the conditions.

e-con Systems Offers STURDeCAM34 with a Patented Hot-Pluggable GMSL Camera System

Since 2003, e-con Systems has been designing, developing, and manufacturing OEM cameras.  STURDeCAM34 is our newly launched 3MP HDR camera featuring the world’s first 140dB HDR GMSL hot plug and hot unplug patented technology. This camera is built with robust features such as 140dB HDR, LFM technology, and IP-rated enclosure. STURDeCAM34 offers superior image clarity in varied lighting conditions and can survive adverse environments.

STURDeCAM34’s onboard automotive ISP also provides further customization options, making it adaptable to a range of embedded vision applications. Additionally, its GMSL2 interface enables real-time data transmission for fast and reliable decision-making.

Learn more about STURDeCAM34

Explore e-con Systems’ Camera Selector to check out our full portfolio.

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