Prabu Kumar


Building a Simple Camera DirectShow Filter graph Application in WEC7

Prabu Kumar
Many of you might have noted that your WinCE 6.0 DirectShow camera application was not working with Windows Embedded Compact 7 (WEC7). The reason is “In the newly launched Windows Embedded Compact 7 OS, the Video Mixing Renderer (VMR) filter replaces the DirectShow Video renderer filter as a default video......

Performance Tuning on DirectShow Camera Application

Prabu Kumar
Windows CE 6.0 supports DirectShow® components to develop a rich camera application. A minimum requirement of the camera application is to show preview, capturing the still images which is stored as a compressed file (JPG) format, capturing/multiplexing the video with or without audio i.e. stored as a compressed file (WMV)......

Resolution Switching in DirectShow Camera Application

Prabu Kumar
DirectShow sample camera test application source code resides in the ($(WINCEROOT)\PRIVATE\TEST\MULTIMEDIA\DIRECTX\DSHOW\CAMERA) directory of the WINCE 6.0 installation. The CameraFramework source present on the private code supports functions which can be used to develop full functional directshow camera application. Many of them were asking about the how to switch between the......