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Explore Xilinx’s reVISION™ Stack using See3CAM_CU30 on Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU102 Evaluation Kit

Prabu Kumar
Machine learning and deep learning have gained attention from the development community as a technique that provides enhanced intelligence to many vision based applications (Autonomous cars, field drones, surveillance cameras) including Embedded Vision. Xilinx designed the stack to enable a much broader set of software and systems engineers, with little......
How toOur Product Insights

Multiple See3CAMs connected to USB 3.0 Host via USB 3 Hub, Streaming 720p@30fps

We are frequently asked by our customers for how many Cameras that can be connected to USB 3.0 Host. Theoretical bandwidth for USB 3.0 is 4.8 Gbps while practical bandwidth from on board USB 3.0 host controller is 1.5 to 1.9 Gbps. This enable multiple cameras to transfer upto 1.9......