Top 5 Scenarios for choosing FSCAM_CU135 over See3CAM_CU135

Before understanding whether See3CAM_CU135 – 4K USB Camera or FSCAM_CU135 – Multi Framer Buffer Camera is best suited for your needs, it is crucial for you to understand the type of additional capabilities the latter has to offer.

First, let’s get the similarities out of the way.

Both cameras use the same AR1335 – 13 Megapixel sensor from ON Semiconductor® with a high-powered inbuilt ISP that can provide UYVY and MJPEG formats. All the resolutions supported, frame rates and the feature controls are one and the same.

Now, let’s see five scenarios in which FSCAM_CU135 is exactly what you are looking for:

  1. If your system uses multiple cameras, and you are spending on multiple host systems just to accommodate all the cameras
  2. If you use a low-end embedded platform such as Raspberry Pi, but you want reliable USB transfers from the camera
  3. If your host systems’ processing load varies a lot and you need the camera to adjust its data rate automatically based on the available bandwidth
  4. If your application requires frames from multiple cameras to be captured at the same time, but you want to process them one-by-one in a single host system
  5. If your application demands storage of high resolution frames inside the camera, and easy retrieval later

If your application matches any of these scenarios, then FSCAM_CU135 can revolutionize the way you astound your customers with embedded camera features.

To know more about how cutting-edge features are achieved in FSCAM_CU135, refer the blogs below:

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