Working with e-con Systems™ Camera Boards for Gumstix® Overo® COMs

We are happy to see Mr. Alexandru Csete, Development Engineer, demonstrating Camera Features of the e-con’s Camera Board for Gumstix® Overo® COMs.

In this video, you can find the demo of camera features such as – Focus Status Box doing Autofocus, Color effects, Vertical flip, Horizontal mirror, White balance, Saturation, Brightness and Contrast.

e-CAM32_OMAP_GSTIX Camera Board houses 3.2 MP camera. This camera board is connected to the Gumstix® Overo® – Water embedded Computer on Module. It runs on custom version of Angstrom Linux (kernel 2.6.34). Video is encoded to H.264 using the digital signal processor in the OMAP3530.

e-con Systems™ camera products for Gumstix Overo boards offer unique opportunity to get video into the Gumstix board via the high speed interface for a very nice price. Having worked with the 3.2 megapixel camera I feel I got very good value for money.” Said Mr. Alexandru Csete, Development Engineer, “The Image included in the SD card was very helpful for getting the camera up and running

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