Edge AI Vision KitsOur Product Insights

How SmarteCAM works with AWS IoT Greengrass

Suresh Madhu
e-con Systems’ SmarteCAM, a ready-to-deploy smart AI camera system, has been validated by the AWS Device Qualification Program under the AWS IoT Greengrass category. Get info on the benefits of AWS qualified devices and how to operate SmarteCAM with AWS IoT Greengrass....
Camera ApplicationsSports Broadcasting & Analytics

Role of a camera in AI-driven automated sports broadcasting

Ranjith Kumar
Automated AI-based analytics is fast gaining momentum in sports broadcasting, given their benefits to viewing audiences as well as coaches and players. Get insights on the crucial role of embedded cameras and the future of AI and embedded vision in sports broadcasting....
RGB-IRTechnology Deep Dive

What is an RGB-IR camera? How does an RGB-IR camera work?

Prabu Kumar
RGB-IR cameras leverage a Color Array Filter (CFA) with dedicated pixels for visible and IR light – eliminating the need for a mechanical switch and preventing color corruption. Get a closer look into the working principle of RGB-IR cameras and their key benefits....
How toOur Product Insights

How to achieve enhanced autofocus performance with high-quality cameras

Vinoth Rajagopalan
One of the challenges of Autofocus (AF) cameras is they have a default focus range, and not all applications fall into this range. Find out how to overcome this challenge to improve AF accuracy while using e-con Systems’ autofocus cameras like See3CAM_30 and See3CAM_130....
Camera ApplicationsSports Broadcasting & Analytics

Choosing the right camera for automated sports broadcasting – everything you need to know

Ranjith Kumar
Each decade has brought along embedded vision innovation to modernize sports broadcasting. Today, it’s all about automated AI-driven sports broadcasting. Uncover everything you must know about choosing the right camera for automated sports broadcasting systems....
Sensor and ISPTechnology Deep Dive

Differences between rolling shutter artifacts and motion blur

Prabu Kumar
It’s an industry myth that both motion blur and rolling shutter artifact can be eliminated using the same type of camera. The reason is these terms are often wrongly understood. Unearth expert insights on the differences between the two and learn how to choose a camera to overcome them....
Camera ApplicationsLife SciencesOur Product Insights

How e-con’s 13MP monochrome USB camera boosts the performance of medical microscopes

Vinoth Rajagopalan
Modern microscopes let lab technicians capture high-quality images and perform detailed analyses. But did you know that monochrome cameras are a better choice than color cameras? Get to know why See3CAM_CU135M with 1.1µm pixel BSI technology is a perfect fit for medical microscopes....
Camera ApplicationsLife Sciences

How OEM cameras enhance the performance of spectrophotometers

Balaji S
Cameras act as the eye of spectrophotometers - capturing the reflected light, qualifying the sample, and identifying the position of the sample. Dig deep to know more and determine the top 4 considerations while choosing a spectrophotometer camera....
Technology Deep DiveTime-of-Flight (ToF)

Time-of-Flight (ToF) Cameras vs. other 3D Depth Mapping Cameras

Prabu Kumar
Despite Time-of-Flight technology taking wings in the 1990s, it has only recently started to mature. Now, with one laser pulse, they can measure depths using infrared light. Unravel in-depth information on how ToF compares with other 3D depth mapping technologies....
Our Product InsightsPlatform Cameras

How to achieve 4K@30fps recording in NVIDIA Jetson platforms

Vinoth Rajagopalan
Streaming 4K@30fps seamlessly without losing any frames is necessary in embedded vision applications. See how e-con Systems helped a customer overcome some of the limitations of the camera software and achieve 4K@30 fps recording in NVIDIA Jetson platforms....