Jetson AGX Orin

Technology Deep Dive

NVIDIA Jetson Orin vs. other NVIDIA Jetson modules – a detailed look

Prabu Kumar
NVIDIA Jetson Orin series is the latest set of processors released by NVIDIA with a maximum AI performance of 275 TOPS. Learn how Orin compares with its predecessors including Jetson AGX Xavier, Xavier NX, TX2, and Nano....
Technology Deep Dive

What is the NVIDIA Orin Series? What are the building blocks of NVIDIA Orin?

Prabu Kumar
NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin is taking the market by storm with its superior AI performance of up to 275 TOPS. Learn all that you need to know about NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin, its technical specifications, and building blocks....
Autonomous Agriculture & Smart FarmingAutonomous Mobile RobotsCamera Applications

Popular embedded vision use cases of NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™

Gomathi Sankar
NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ is the most powerful edge AI computer with a maximum performance of up to 275 TOPS. Do a deep dive into some of the most popular camera-based use cases of AGX Orin that are shaping the future of embedded vision....