NIR Imaging

Sensor and ISPTechnology Deep Dive

CMOS vs CCD sensors: why CMOS sensors are ruling the world of embedded vision?

Prabu Kumar
CCD and CMOS sensors come with their own benefits. The main difference lies in recreating images from electric signals. See why CMOS is already ahead of CCD - and what the future holds for both types of sensors in embedded vision....
OpticsSensor and ISPTechnology Deep Dive

What is Near-Infrared Imaging and how do NIR cameras work?

Prabu Kumar
NIR imaging has a unique sensitivity profile to project distant objects with a clear vision and are particularly useful in night vision applications. Go backstage on NIR imaging and understand the role of NIR cameras in embedded vision applications....
Technology Deep Dive

Key factors that you must consider before buying an Near Infrared camera

Prabu Kumar
NIR imaging is rising in popularity with use cases such as night vision surveillance, industrial image processing, spectroscopy, food inspection, etc. Explore all the key features to be strongly considered before selecting a NIR camera....