Image Viewer for Windows CE and Windows Embedded Compact devices

e-con launches a freeware application for viewing images addressing the most common requirements for image viewing on Windows CE and Windows Embedded Compact devices. As you all know that there is no standard or default image viewer application in Windows CE versions up to Windows CE 6.0 R3. The only way to view the images on such Windows CE devices is to use the Internet Explorer for CE. But that neither offers even basic image viewing features nor it is user-friendly. On the other hand, Windows Embedded Compact 7 with an image viewer does not support as many features as the eImageViewer does.

Henceforth, developers can download this eImageViewer software from the webpage and few simple steps will install the application to start using it on the devices. Below are the two videos to take you through the process of installation and to explore the features of the Image Viewer from e-con Systems™.

Demonstrating Installation Procedure

Features Supported by the Application

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