eSOMiMX7 based IoT gateway
We were very thrilled to exhibit the capabilities of our soon to be launched NXP iMX7 based System-on-Module eSOMiMX7 at Embedded World’ 18 Booth. We designed Ampella, an IoT gateway…
We were very thrilled to exhibit the capabilities of our soon to be launched NXP iMX7 based System-on-Module eSOMiMX7 at Embedded World’ 18 Booth. We designed Ampella, an IoT gateway…
All your firmware versions need to be uploaded to the eSOMgears cloud for devices to receive updates. We store them completely private so the external world does not have access…
This article guides you to build smart gateways by making use of eSOMiMX7 based development kit from e-con Systems™. Nowadays everyone talks about Machine to Machine (M2M) communication and Internet…
In a dynamic website, contents are updated automatically depending on the time of the day, the viewer’s native language, and other factors. Dynamic websites contain client-side scripting or server-side scripting…
Internet of Things(IoT) is network of things, that enables automation, i.e. a method by which they are sensed, controlled and monitored from any remote location. A plethora of embedded devices…
Apache2 Apache is one of the most popular web servers in the world. It is developed by the Apache Software Foundation. Apache is an open source software and can be…
Each day more and more devices are coming online, adding to the ever-growing Internet of Things (IoT). Analysts agree the IoT will grow to many billions of devices over the…
Home automation is the use of one or more smart devices to control basic home functions and features automatically and sometimes remotely. Home automation can include the scheduling and automatic…
Today’s world is all about M2M communication. More devices come online at a time, they get connected to each other on the go, request for services to other devices while…