
Qt applications can be adapted to different languages, regional differences and technical differences and requirements with the help of internationalization and localization. Internationalization is designing an application so that it can be adapted to different languages without any engineering effort.

This article guides you to use a simple hello world application using Qt internationalization for eSOMiMX6.

e-con Systems™ has developed a multilingual Hello World application using Qt Linguist. The application is capable of translating the “Hello World” text to the following languages:

  • English
  • Latin
  • Greek
  • Norwegian
  • French

e-con Systems™ has also developed a multilingual weather application using Qt Linguist. The application fetches the temperature, weather condition and wind speed of the selected city. The application is also capable of translating to the following languages:

  • English
  • German
  • Russian
  • Spanish

Full source code for the Qt Internationalization application is available on e-con Systems™ developer site.

Please refer our previous articles on How to setup Qt creator for eSOMiMX6 devices and How to build, deploy and run Qt applications on eSOMiMX6 devices to build and run the application on eSOMiMX6 devices.

For further assistance and queries get in touch with

Try eSOM++ Qt internationalization on eSOMiMX6

Qt-QML-Setup-Qt-Creator-Steps Application Guide

Qt-QML-Build-Deploy-Run-Steps Application Guide

Toolchain Package

Qt-Internationalization Package