Good news is on the way, to you people building those ultra-compact devices. Yes, we at e-con Systems™ have once again challenged ourselves and released our SMALLEST System-On-Module!
With a form factor of only 54mm x 20mm, eSOMiMX6-micro is based on the low power NXP/Freescale i.MX6 Quad/Dual ARM Cortex-A9 Processor running up to 800MHz. By using POP (package on Package) memory assembly, we were able to achieve the nano size.
Earlier, When we had released our SOMs, there was a section of customers who demanded a smaller SOM for designing highly compact medical imaging devices, drone payloads, wearables etc. Right then, we started working on launching the micro SOM. eSOMiMX6-micro encompasses eMMC Flash whose capacity ranges from 4GB to 64GB , LPDDR2 with capacity as high as 1GB and consumes very low power of 10mA in suspend. With inbuilt Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, the micro System-On-Module enables live streaming, which is one of the key requirements of our customers. It runs the latest version of Linux and Android Marshmallow * (* – Under Development).
By making use of the production ready SOM and it’s BSP, you can size-ably cut down the time you spend on electrical design and BSP development. Armed with a rich experience of 13 years in the embedded domain, we can help you by taking up carrier board design too.

We already have many customers in mass production who use our other computer on modules, such as the
eSOMTK1 (TK1 SOM), eSOMiMX6 (iMX6 SOM) and eSOM3730 (DM370 SOM) and we believe, eSOMiMX6-micro is a step in the right direction.
Meissa-I is the micro SOM Development Board. To evaluate eSOMiMX6-micro, you can use this RDK. The development kit among other accessories also features a 13MP camera board, 5MP camera board and a 3MP Low Light camera board.
Right away head to
https://www.e-consystems.com/iMX6-micro-som-system-on-module.asp to know more about the micro SOM
https://www.e-consystems.com/webstore.asp#eSOMiMX6-microPrice to buy the SOM & its RDK.