Tradeshows & Events

Location :



Date: October 08 to 10, 2024 Place: Messe Stuttgart, Germany
e-con Systems recently showcased our latest camera products at VISION 2024, held from October 8-10 at Messe Stuttgart, Germany. The event featured exciting demos that highlighted the real-world applications of our cutting-edge cameras. Attendees who visited booth 10H60 got to experience the precision agriculture demo for weed detection, as well as an interactive basketball tracking demo that allowed them to test their skills.
Our camera experts were also readily available to offer valuable insights into the critical needs of embedded vision applications..

Embedded World 2023

Date: March 14 to 16, 2023 Place: Nuremberg, Germany
e-con Systems stole the show at Embedded World 2023 by showcasing cutting-edge camera solutions and wowing the attendees. This year, the event saw a record turnout of leading embedded vision companies worldwide. e-con Systems' active partner engagement helped showcase the company's commitment to innovation and collaboration in the embedded space.
Embedded World 2023
e-con featured a wide range of camera solutions that deliver unparalleled performance and help accelerate product prototyping and development efforts. We look forward to participating in future events and wowing customers with many more innovative products.


Date: 4. bis 6. Oktober Booth: Halle 10, Stand Nr. 10F84 Place: Stuttgart, Deutschland
Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, uns auf der VISION zu besuchen, die vom 4. bis 6. Oktober 2022 in Stuttgart, Deutschland, stattfindet. Wir werden einige unserer Vorzeigeprodukte ausstellen (in Halle 10, Standnummer 10F84), darunter die RGB-IR-Kamera, die 3D-Time-of-Flight-Kamera und die Kamera mit Global-Shutter. Außerdem stehen Ihnen unsere Kameraexperten am Stand zur Verfügung, die Sie bei Fragen zur kamerabasierten Produktentwicklung unterstützen können.
Um mehr über die Veranstaltung zu erfahren und einen Termin mit unseren Embedded-Vision-Experten zu reservieren, klicken Sie bitte auf die Schaltfläche unten.

Embedded World 2022

Date: Juni 21. bis 23 Booth: Halle 2, Stand: 2-451 Place: Messegelände in Nürnberg
Als Aussteller sind wir auf der Embedded World 2022 vertreten - der Fachmesse für eingebettete Systemtechnologien und verteilte Intelligenz. Nach der Pandemie sind wir wieder mit voller Energie dabei und stellen unsere innovativen Kameralösungen in den USA, Japan, Korea und jetzt auch in Deutschland vor. Dieses Mal stellen wir mehrere Neuheiten in unserem Portfolio vor, darunter eine Time-of-Flight-3D-Kamera, eine 180-Grad-Bildverarbeitungslösung mit 13-MP-MIPI-Kameramodulen, ein Qualcomm QCS-610-basiertes KI-Bildverarbeitungs-Kit und 4K Sony IMX485 Kamera für NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin.
Embedded World 2022
Bitte kommen Sie uns in Halle 2, Stand 2-451 im Messezentrum Nürnberg besuchen und lassen Sie sich von neuartigen Kameralösungen überzeugen, die eingebettete Bildverarbeitungsanwendungen in die Praxis umsetzen. Und nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, sich mit unseren Kameraexperten über Ihre Fragen zur Bildverarbeitung auszutauschen.

Vision 2021 - World's leading trade fair for machine vision

Date: October 05 - 07, 2021 Booth: HALL 10, Booth no 10C74 Place: Messe Stuttgart
e-con Systems is glad to exhibit at the Vision Show 2021 - Trade Fair for Machine Vision to be held in Stuttgart, Germany.
Vision Show 2021
We are pleased to invite you to our booth in HALL 10, Booth no 10C74, where we shall be demonstrating some our latest products like See3CAM_CU81, See3CAM_160, STURDeCAM20, See3CAM_24CUG, e-CAM80_CUNX, Multicamera solutions and more. Our Camera experts would be meeting you at the booth and can assist you with any of your up-coming projects.

VISION 2018 - World's leading trade fair for machine vision

Date : November 06 - 8, 2018Booth : Hall 1 Booth 1A23Place : Stuttgart, Germany
We are pleased to invite you to our Hall 1 Booth 1A23 at the VISION 2018. e-con Systems exhibits at vision, Germany to showcase its expertise in Embedded Processor Modules, Reference Designs and Camera Solutions among others to the customers and offering cost effective solutions.
Vision show
Here are the live demos that you would be interested in:  
  • Rover
  • SmarteCAM
  • People Counting
  • Face Recognition
  • Smart Billing

Embedded World 2018 - The Leading International Fair for Embedded Systems

Date : 27 Feb - 01 Mar, 2018Hall : 3 / 3-647Place : Exhibition Centre, Nuremberg, Germany
We are delighted to invite you to our Booth # Hall 3 / 3-647 at embedded world Conference 2018. Our Booth will not just host live demos but you could also get consultation from our embedded experts.
Vision show
Below is a sneak peek into some of the live demos based on our latest products that are sure to interest you:  
  • 360° Camera - Six Synchronized Cameras for Jetson TX2
  • Sony iMX290 STARVIS Camera (View even in Star Light)
  • Body Worn Camera (Micro SOM on Wearables)
  • GMSL Camera (15 meters MIPI solution)
  • eSOMgears - Over-the-Air Firmware Upgrade Solution
  • e-CAM80_IMX7 - 8MP Autofocus Camera for NXP i.MX7 Sabre Board

Embedded World 2017 - The Industry’s Leading Embedded Systems Event

Date : March 14 - 16, 2017Booth : 3A / 3A-136Place : Exhibition Centre, Nuremberg, Germany
We are delighted to invite you to our Booth # Hall 3A / 3A-136 at embedded world Conference 2017. Our Booth will not just host live demos but you could also get consultation from our embedded experts.
Vision show
Below is a sneak peek into some of the live demos based on our latest products that are sure to interest you:  
  • 3D live streaming to a VR Headset using i.MX6 Micro SOM
  • Depth measurement using Tara - USB 3.0 Stereo Vision Camera
  • Six Camera image streaming on NVIDIA TX1 processor
  • Newly launched See3CAM_30 USB 3.0 camera with liquid lens

VISION 2016 - Leading world trade fair for machine vision

Date : November 08 - 10, 2016Hall : 1Booth : # B88Place : Stuttgart, Germany
We are pleased to invite you to our booth #1-B88 at the VISION 2016. e-con Systems exhibits at vision, Germany to showcase its expertise in Embedded Processor Modules, Reference Designs and Camera Solutions among others to the customers and offering cost effective solutions.
Vision show
Here are the live demos that you would be interested in:  
  • Depth measurement and 3D reconstruction using Tara - stereo vision USB 3.0 camera
  • 4K video streaming with See3CAM_130 - 13MP Autofocus USB 3.0 camera
  • 360° view image streaming with 6 cameras on NVIDIA TX1 processor

VISION 2014 - Leading world trade fair for machine vision

Date : November 04 - 06, 2014Hall : 1Booth : # A27Place : Stuttgart, Germany
We are pleased to invite you to our booth #1-A27 at the VISION 2014. e-con Systems exhibits at vision, Germany to showcase its expertise in Embedded Processor Modules, Reference Designs and Camera Solutions among others to the customers and offering cost effective solutions.
Vision show
Here are the live demos that you would be interested in  
  • See3CAMCU51 - 5 MP Monochrome Camera
  • Spica - Barcode Scanning Software solution