March 21, 2025 - e-con Systems Showcased AI-Powered Imaging Solutions at NVIDIA GTC 2025 |
e-con Systems®, a leading provider of embedded vision solutions, participated in the NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC) 2025, held from March 18 to 21 at the San Jose Convention Center. At Booth 2107, our team showcased several live demos of AI-driven imaging technologies, drawing attention from industry experts across sectors.
One of the key highlights was the launch of our Holoscan Camera built for NVIDIA platforms using the NVIDIA Holoscan SDK. Ideal for robotics, medical imaging, and industrial automation, this camera integrated e-con Systems' proprietary TintE™ ISP for low-latency, high-speed imaging. Moreover, Lattice FPGA support enabled image processing to be offloaded from the GPU, optimizing AI inference.
The event also featured an AI-powered weed detection system built around the NileCAM56-an IMX568-based global shutter camera. Running on the NVIDIA® Jetson™ platform, the system addressed motion blur and lighting inconsistencies in farming use cases, helping identify weeds and misplaced plants while promoting sustainable herbicide usage.
Another live demo involved a Gen AI-based obstacle detection and avoidance solution using e-con Systems' PCIe Frame Grabber and STURDeCAM81, a rugged 4K GMSL2 camera. The setup handled multi-camera input and voice-command processing to support autonomous mobile robots in navigating complex environments.
The final demo featured our 1MP 3D ToF camera, showcasing real-time 3D depth sensing with high accuracy and speed for pick and place robots, palletization robots, and more.
In addition to the demos, the visitors were able to engage in one-on-one consultations with our experts to explore use cases and integration opportunities.
19. Februar 2025 – e-con Systems® bringt 3MP Global Shutter HDR Monochrome USB 3 Kamera auf den Markt |
E-con Systems® gibt die Markteinführung seiner neuesten Innovation bekannt – See3CAM_37CUGM, eine 3MP Global Shutter HDR Monochrome USB 3-Kamera. Diese Kamera basiert auf dem Sony® IMX900-Sensor und wird von e-cons fortschrittlichem TintE ISP angetrieben. Sie bietet auβergewöhnliche HDR-Bildgebungsfunktionen für hochpräzise Anwendungen wie Barcode-Lesegeräte, Pick-and-Place-Roboter, autonome mobile Roboter, intelligente Transportsysteme (ITS), Sportanalysen und mehr. Sie führt HDR-Verarbeitung direkt auf der Kamera durch und liefert 120 dB HDR-Bildgebung.
Feige: See3CAM_37CUGM - 3MP Monochrome Sony® IMX900 HDR Global Shutter USB3-Kamera |
Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen gehören:
- Schnelle automatische Belichtung für rapide Anpassung an Lichtänderungen in jedem Bild, wodurch Barcode-Genauigkeit in der Logistik und Echtzeit-Anpassbarkeit für AMRs gewährleistet werden.
- Quad Shutter Control-Funktion ermöglicht ultraschnelle Bildgebung mit Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 100.000 fps.
- Fortschrittliche integrierte Quad-HDR-Verarbeitung von bis zu 120 dB für überragende Kontrastverarbeitung.
- Selbstauslöser reduziert die Abhängigkeit von externen Auslösern durch Automatisierung der aktivitätsbasierten Erfassung.
- Hochgeschwindigkeitsbildgebung mit bis zu 850 fps* mit benutzerdefiniertem ROI
Die Kamera unterstützt mehrere Verbindungsoptionen, darunter USB, MIPI und GMSL, und ist somit mit führenden Plattformen wie NVIDIA® Jetson™ und Qualcomm® kompatibel. Um den unterschiedlichen Anwendungsanforderungen gerecht zu werden, sind sowohl Monochrom- als auch Farbvarianten erhältlich.
Ausführlichere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Produktseite: See3CAM_37CUGM - 3MP monochrome Sony® IMX900 HDR Global Shutter USB3-Kamera.
December 12, 2024 - e-con Systems Showcases Camera Innovation at the Lattice Developers Conference in San Jose |
At the recent Lattice Developers Conference, e-con Systems highlighted how our advanced camera solutions integrate with FPGA technology to power next-gen applications. The event focused on how FPGAs are impacting industries such as edge AI, automotive systems, and medical imaging.
e-con Systems grabbed the attention of the attendees with live demos of FPGA-powered imaging solutions, including:
The demos showcased how e-con Systems' cameras, combined with the power of FPGAs, can deliver the performance and flexibility for modern embedded vision solutions.
The attendees also gained insights into real-world applications and learned how e-con Systems® expertise in camera design can elevate embedded vision products.
December 11, 2024 - e-con Showcases Advanced High-Resolution DMS Solution at Qualcomm Innovation Forum 2024 |
e-con Systems® participated in Qualcomm Innovation Forum 2024, hosted at Qualcomm's Whitefield Campus in Bengaluru. The event provided an excellent platform to exhibit our latest innovations in the automotive industry, which were designed to meet the evolving needs of the industry.
e-con Systems® demonstrates a Driver Monitoring System (DMS) featuring their advanced 20 MP AR2020 high-resolution multi-camera solution, integrated with Qualcomm® Robotics RB5/RB3 Gen2 development kits. This state-of-the-art solution is designed to enhance driver safety by detecting distractions and drowsiness using Qualcomm's edge AI platform. Our demo highlighted how this DMS solution can transform automotive systems by delivering unparalleled accuracy and performance in real-time driver monitoring applications.
The e-con Systems® booth attracted significant attention as our team interacted with developers, engineers, and enthusiasts, sharing insights on how our vision solutions empower the next generation of automotive and robotic technologies. Participating in the Qualcomm Innovation Forum reinforced e-con Systems' position as a leader in embedded vision, driving innovation across industries and fostering collaboration with key players in the tech ecosystem.
15. Oktober 2024 – e-con Systems® bringt 4K RGB-IR USB-Kamera mit proprietärer Trennungstechnologie für verschiedene Embedded Vision-Anwendungen auf den Markt |
e-con Systems® gibt die Markteinführung seiner neuesten Innovation bekannt: See3CAM_CU83, eine 4K RGB-IR-Superspeed-USB-Kamera auf Basis des AR0830-Sensors von onsemi . Diese 4K-Kamera wurde entwickelt, um die Anforderungen verschiedener Embedded-Vision-Anwendungen zu erfüllen, darunter biometrische Zugangskontrolle, Kabinenüberwachung, Pflanzengesundheitsüberwachung, bildgeführte Operationen und intelligente Patientenüberwachung. See3CAM_CU83 erfasst gleichzeitig RGB- und IR-Bilder ohne Farbverzerrung oder die Notwendigkeit eines mechanischen Umschaltens und gewährleistet so sowohl bei Tag- als auch bei Nachtbedingungen eine außergewöhnliche Bildschärfe.
Unter Verwendung des proprietären RGB-IR-Trennungsalgorithmus von e-con Systems verarbeitet See3CAM_CU83 RGB-IR-Frames vom einzelnen Sensor in separate RGB- und IR-Frames und garantiert so eine präzise Bildqualität mit geringer Latenz.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: See3CAM_CU83
September 18, 2024 - e-con Systems® Launches World's First 140 dB HDR GMSL Hot Pluggable Camera |
e-con Systems® launches STURDeCAM34, a 3MP 140dB HDR camera designed to deliver superior imaging performance in the Most Demanding Automotive Environment and fully compatible with NVIDIA Jetson platforms. This camera features an AR0341AT Image Sensor from onsemi® and fine-tuned ISP, providing up to 140 dB HDR and LFM capabilities across the entire automotive temperature range.
STURDeCAM34 comes with a new-of-its-kind, GMSL hot pluggable technology patented by e-con Systems that ensures seamless and safe hot plugging/unplugging, providing greater flexibility in critical systems without downtime.
With its IP69K-rated enclosure, STURDeCAM34 is ideal for applications such as ADAS, autonomous vehicles, delivery robots, and more.
July 30, 2024 - e-con Systems Collaborates with MassRobotics, the World's Largest Independent Robotics Hub, for an Exclusive Partner Event |
e-con Systems teamed up with Mass Robotics for an exclusive partner event held on July 30, 2024, in Boston. During the event, e-con Systems showcased live demos of cutting-edge camera solutions that led to engaging conversations and valuable networking opportunities.
The audience was eager to know more about how these solutions accelerated and enhanced product prototyping and development.
The live demos included:
- Bird's Eye View : STURDeCAM20 based on NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™
- Generative AI : STURDeCAM31, a 3MP IP69K-rated camera based on Ambarella CV72
- Multi-Camera Synchronization : e-CAM200_CUQRB5 based on Qualcomm QRB5
The event wrapped up with a powerful presentation by Dilip Kumar of e-con Systems on "Enhancing Industrial Robotics: AI Powered by Embedded Vision".
25. Juli 2024 - e-con Systems® Neueinführung - Eine SONY® ISX031 Sensor-basierte hochempfindliche USB-Tageslichtkamera für dynamische Umgebungen |
Die von e-con Systems® neu auf den Markt gebrachte See3CAM_CU31 ist eine hochempfindliche USB-Tageslichtkamera mit 3 MP, die für schwierige Lichtverhältnisse ausgelegt ist. Diese vorbildliche Kamera nutzt die Sub-Pixel-HDR-Technologie des Sony ISX031-Sensors, um eine beeindruckende HDR-Leistung von bis zu 120 dB zu bieten, zusammen mit der LED Flicker Mitigation-Technologie für eine stabile Abbildung ohne Bewegungsunschärfe. Die außergewöhnliche Leistung der Kamera bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen macht sie zu einer idealen Wahl für Anwendungen bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen, da sie auch dort hervorragende Abbildungen liefert, wo andere herkömmliche Kameras Schwierigkeiten haben könnten.
Abbildung: See3CAM_CU31 - 3MP Sony® ISX031 120dB HDR USB Kamera |
Die See3CAM_CU31 bietet eine hochwertige Videoauflösung von 3 MP bei 30 Bildern pro Sekunde. Das begehrte Sensor-Seitenverhältnis von 5:4 verbessert die Abbildungsperspektive der Kamera und ermöglicht die Erfassung von mehr vertikalen Informationen. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist die Fähigkeit der Kamera, auch bei extremen Temperaturen von -40°C bis 85°C problemlos zu funktionieren.
Die UVC-konforme USB-Schnittstelle ermöglicht eine einfache Integration in bestehende Systeme. Die See3CAM_CU31 eignet sich für Anwendungen in Dashcams, Lieferrobotern, intelligenten Transportsystemen (ITS) und mehr. Benutzer können selbst in dynamischen Umgebungen klare, bewegungsunscharfe Abbildungen erzielen, was sie zu einem robusten Werkzeug für verschiedene Embedded-Vision-Anwendungen macht.
12. Juni 2024 - e-con Systems stellt RouteCAM_CU25_IP67 vor: Eine robuste Allwetter-GigE-Kamera mit Global-Shutter für Auβenanwendungen |
e-con Systems bringt die RouteCAM_CU25_IP67 auf den Markt, eine leistungsstarke GigE-Kamera, die für die Erfassung sich schnell bewegender Szenen mit einer beeindruckenden Bildrate entwickelt wurde und sich damit ideal für verschiedene Anwendungen wie intelligente Transportsysteme (ITS), industrielle Sicherheitsmaβnahmen, intelligente Einzelhandelsanwendungen und Patientenüberwachungsgeräte eignet. Darüber hinaus verfügt sie über einen Global-Shutter-Sensor, um Artefakte wie Verzerrungen und Bewegungsunschärfe zu vermeiden.
Die RouteCAM_CU25 Kamera nutzt die PTP-Technologie, um Zeit und Bilder mit bemerkenswerter Präzision zu synchronisieren.
Diese fortschrittliche Ethernet-Kamera ist in einem robusten IP67-Gehäuse für raue Umgebungen untergebracht und unterstützt PoE für eine vereinfachte Installation. Zu den weiteren Merkmalen gehören ein leistungsstarker On-Board-ISP von e-con Systems, ein M12-Objektivhalter und Unterstützung für mehrere Streaming-Formate.
e-con Systems bietet auβerdem benutzerdefinierte Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, einschlieβlich einer Auswahl an Objektiven, motorisierter Objektivsteuerung, LED-Blitz und vollständiger Firmware- und Hardware-Anpassung.
May 23, 2024, e-con Systems Unveils World's Tiniest 8MP IP69K Automotive Camera at AutoSens USA 2024 |
e-con Systems made a splash at AutoSens USA 2024 with the unveiling of STURDeCAM84, the world's tiniest 8MP IP69K automotive camera. The camera housing onsemi®'s AR0823 sensor is exceptionally compact and caters to the growing demand for advanced camera solutions in the automotive industry.
The camera has an 8MP resolution, by which it captures highly detailed images, crucial for various automotive applications. The camera's extreme durability is also notable. As it is IP69K-rated, it can withstand high-pressure and high-temperature washdowns, making it perfect for harsh automotive environments. It can deliver high-quality images even in challenging lighting conditions with the 150dB HDR+ LFM GMSL2 technology. |
In addition to STURDeCAM84, e-con Systems also showcased STURDeCAM34 at AutoSens USA 2024. This IP69K-rated 3MP camera is powered by the onsemi® AR0341 sensor. |
STURDeCAM84 and STURDeCAM34 are ideal for applications in ADAS, AGVs, delivery robots, and more. |
May 10, 2024, e-con Systems® left a major mark at Automate 2024 in Chicago, Illinois |
e-con Systems recently exhibited at Automate 2024, a leading automation event held in Chicago, Illinois, from May 6th to 9th, 2024.
Our booth featured trailblazing products like a 3D Time-of-Flight USB camera, STURDeCAM31 - an HDR camera for autonomous mobility, and more. Some of the live demos at the booth highlighted popular use cases, including:
- AMR demo - based on Ambarella's CV72 and powered by e-con Systems' Robotics Compute Platform
- Industrial safety detection demo using a cloud-connected smart AI camera - based on SMARTOdin
- 360-degree bird's-eye view solution demo for AMRs - powered by NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin
The AMR demo, powered by our Robotics Compute Platform on Ambarella's CV72, stole the spotlight. It showcased how our embedded vision expertise solves real-world challenges for customers.
Our participation in Automate 2024 truly brought to light the impact of our high-quality embedded cameras.
We were delighted to engage with the many product developers who visited our booth, initiating discussions and generating inquiries about our camera solutions.
27. März 2024 - e-con Systems erweitert seine Sony Pregius- Reihe um eine neu eingeführte 5-MP-Global-Shutter-Kamera |
Farbkamera e-CAM56_CUOAGX von e-con Systems verfügt über den Pregius S IMX568-Sensor von Sony und eignet sich ideal für die verzerrungsfreie Aufnahme sich schnell bewegender Objekte bei hohen Bildraten. e-CAM56_CUOAGX unterstützt die nahtlose Integration mit NVIDIA Jetson-Plattformen und ermöglicht die Synchronisierung mehrerer Kameras für bis zu vier Kameras mit einer Bildrate von bis zu 280 Bilder/S. Die externe Triggerfunktion sorgt für eine präzise Synchronisierung für koordinierte Aufnahmen mit mehreren Kameras.
Feige: e-CAM56_CUOAGX - 5MP Sony® Pregius S IMX568 Kamera für NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ |
Der ISP von NVIDIA wird von Experten von e-con Systems fein abgestimmt, um eine auβergewöhnliche Bildqualität zu erzielen. Mit der Multi-ROI-Funktion erhöht sich die Bildrate der Kamera auf bis zu 1164 Bilder/S. Die unterstützten Schnittstellen sind MIPI und GMSL.
March 21, 2024: e-con Systems® Makes a Big Impression at NVIDIA GTC 2024 in San Jose, California |
On March 21, 2024, e-con Systems® made a significant impression at NVIDIA GTC 2024, a prominent global AI event held from March 19 to 21 in San Jose, California.
At the event, e-con Systems showcased two ground-breaking demos:
The demo featuring the 360-degree bird's-eye view solution for AMR navigation garnered considerable attention, highlighting how e-con Systems leverages its expertise in embedded vision to address real-world challenges for its customers.
Moreover, e-con Systems also announced a strategic collaboration with Vayu Robotics, introducing advanced high-resolution depth sensing technology with unparalleled precision to various robotics applications.
During the demo, we showcased the exceptional performance of Vayu Sense, which stands at the forefront of cutting-edge sensing systems. A comparison with the Intel Real Sense depth camera went a long way to highlight the remarkable capabilities of Vayu Sense.
We also showcased some of our popular products at the booth, including:
e-con Systems' participation in the event offered attendees a firsthand look at the impact of high-quality embedded cameras on the performance of vision-based devices.
We were thoroughly delighted to interact with numerous product developers who visited our booth.
February 29, 2024 - e-con Systems Introduces Multi-Camera Solutions for Renesas RZ/V2H in Vision-AI Applications |
e-con Systems® has introduced a cutting-edge multi-camera series for the latest Renesas RZ/V2H microprocessor. As part of the Renesas RZ/V2H series, the e-CAM22_CURZH is a full HD ultra low-light multi-camera solution featuring the Sony Starvis™ IMX462 CMOS image sensor. This series addresses the new-age demands of vision-AI applications such as AMR, smart retail, smart city, robotics, etc.
Fig: e-CAM22_CURZH - Sony® STARVIS™ IMX462 Ultra Low-Light Camera for Renesas RZ/V2H |
To know more, please visit: Ultra Low-Light Multi-Camera Solution for Renesas RZ/V2H
28. Februar 2024 - Die neu eingeführte robuste PoE-Kamera von e-con Systems® verfügt über die Schutzart IP67, den Sony Starvis Ultra-Low-Light-Bildsensor und mehr für erstklassige Auβenaufnahmen |
e-con Systems hat die neue RouteCAM_CU22_IP67 auf den Markt gebracht, eine Full-HD-GigE-HDR-Kamera für den Auβenbereich bei schwachem Licht, die für anspruchsvolle Auβenbedingungen entwickelt wurde. Diese Kamera ist mit dem Sony Starvis 2 IMX662-Sensor und einem IP67-zertifizierten Gehäuse ausgestattet . Es ist in der Lage, komprimierte Videos mit 1080p mit bis zu 60 Bildern pro Sekunde und geringer Latenz zu streamen.
Feige: RouteCAM_CU22_IP67 - Lowlight-GigE-HDR-Kamera für den Auβenbereich |
Mit dieser Markteinführung hat e-con Systems mit seinem neu eingeführten Gerät einen neuen Standard für Geräteverwaltungsfunktionen gesetzt Clovis Central cloudbasierte Geräteverwaltungsplattform, die eine schnellere Markteinführung, geringere Kosten und höhere Anwendungserfolgsraten ermöglicht. Die RouteCAM_CU22_IP67 ist mit dieser Plattform kompatibel gemacht. Die ONVIF-Konformität der Kamera sowie die RTSP-Streaming-Fähigkeit ermöglichen eine einfache Integration in jedes System.
Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte: RouteCAM_CU22_IP67
February 22, 2024 - e-con Systems® Partners with Axiomtek to Revolutionize Embedded Vision Solutions |
e-con Systems is happy to announce its partnership with Axiomtek, a global leader dedicated to the research, development, and manufacturing of industrial computer products. Leveraging e-con Systems' STURDeCAM series with GMSL interface, and Axiomtek's robust Edge AI systems, we are set to revolutionize industries such as autonomous machines, AMR, ADAS and more.
18. Januar 2024 - e-con Systems® bringt 20MP hochauflösende Multi-Kamera-Lösung für NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin auf den Markt. |
Wir freuen uns, unsere neue Markteinführung, e-CAM200_CUOAGX, eine hochauflösende Kamera mit integriertem AR2020-Bildsensor aus der onsemi® Hyperlux LP-Familie, bekannt zu geben. Diese Kamera ist eine 20MP 5K Kamera, die nahtlos mit der NVIDIA® Jetson Orin AGX™ Plattform verbunden werden kann.
Abb.: e-CAM200_CUOAGX - 20MP(5K) AR2020 Hochauflösende Multikamera
Die e-CAM200_CUOAGX zeichnet sich durch ihre auβergewöhnliche Bildqualität aus und erreicht 30 Bilder pro Sekunde bei 20 MP, selbst wenn mehrere Kameras an die Plattform angeschlossen sind. Ihr präzise abgestimmter ISP sorgt für eine überragende Bildqualität, die jedes noch so kleine Detail erfasst, den Dynamikbereich erweitert und das Rauschen minimiert. Die verbesserte Low-Light- und NIR-Leistung ist ein Schlüsselmerkmal, das es ermöglicht, unter extrem schwachen Lichtbedingungen von <5 Lux zu arbeiten, mit einer 60%igen Quanteneffizienz (QE) im NIR-Spektrum.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte: e-CAM200_CUOAGX
January 16, 2024, e-con Systems Highlights Exceptional Camera Capabilities for Retail Sector at NRF 2024 |
On January 16, 2024, e-con Systems took center stage at NRF 2024, the world-renowned Retail's Big Show. Held at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, Level 1 in New York, from January 14 to 16, this event saw an unprecedented number of attendees!
e-con Systems was proud to showcase state-of-the-art camera technology that helps elevate surveillance, analytics, and overall customer experience within the retail sector.
We showcased live demos of our recent launches, which include:
- Self-Checkout and Smart Trolley Systems using our recently launched GMSL2 Global Shutter Camera
- Empty Cart Monitoring Systems using our Full HD Sony Lowlight GigE HDR Camera
From the moment the doors opened, e-con Systems' booth generated a lot of excitement, drawing a huge crowd. The response to our offerings reflected the industry's keen anticipation for cutting-edge camera solutions.
As we look ahead, we remain committed to attending such events, showcasing new developments, and building partnerships that contribute to the continuous evolution of retail technology.
The success at NRF 2024 cements e-con Systems' position as a key player, actively innovating and enhancing its camera capabilities to meet the dynamic demands of the retail industry.
January 12, 2024 - e-con Systems Shines at CES 2024 Show with Record-Breaking Attendance |
On January 12, 2024, e-con Systems stood out at CES 2024 with an unprecedented turnout, showcasing our prowess at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Nevada from January 9 to 12.
With an array of cutting-edge camera products on display, e-con Systems captivated the audience and ignited compelling conversations throughout the show. Attendees showed a lot of excitement about our innovations, expressing eagerness to explore potential collaborations. Our booth featured live demos of our latest releases, including:
- AMR powered by NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin - leveraging our 270-degree surround-view camera solution for applications like last-mile delivery
- Self-checkout demo - utilizing our Full HD GMSL2 Global Shutter Camera
- Pedestrian detection for forklifts - based on SmartOdin22- Full HD Smart AI Camera
Our triumphant participation at CES 2024 certainly solidified our commitment to innovation.
January 12, 2024 - e-con Systems® partners with Ambarella and unveils the Robotics Computing Platform at CES, revolutionizing solutions for Industrial AMR and Outdoor Robots |
e-con Systems®, a global leader in embedded vision solutions, and Ambarella, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMBA), a pioneer in edge AI semiconductors, are happy to announce the launch of the e-con Robotics Computing Platform (eRCP) and the strategic partnership between the two companies. This platform, built on Ambarella's flagship CV72S edge AI system-on-chip, is tailored for the dynamic robotics industry.
To know more, please visit eRCP - Robotic Computing Platform
December 14, 2023 - e-con Systems® and Collaborate to Offer a Powerful Bundled Solution for Embedded Edge Applications |
e-con Systems® is happy to collaborate with, a Machine Learning software-driven company.'s latest MLSoC™ Development Kit 2.0 now comes bundled with e-con Systems' RouteCAM_CU20 - a 2MP full HD GigE camera with PoE capabilities and is based on the Sony STARVIS IMX462 sensor. This cutting-edge kit can act as a standalone edge-based system controller or be used to add an ML offload accelerator for processors, ASICs, etc. This bundled solution is ideal for applications such as autonomous mobile robots (AMR), smart traffic systems, drones, smart retail, and more.
To know more, please visit SiMa Supported Cameras
November 06, 2023 - e-con Systems® adds Two New USA Patents to the Company's Imaging Innovation Portfolio |
e-con Systems® is excited to announce the addition of two new US patents to its ever-expanding Imaging Innovation Portfolio. These patents reflect the company's steadfast commitment to pushing the boundaries of imaging technology. Krithika Gurumurthy and Balasubramanium G, both dedicated engineers at e-con Systems®, have been awarded Notices of Allowance by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). With these recent additions, our portfolio now comprises ten US patents, reinforcing our leading position in imaging innovation. Read more
October 16, 2023 - e-con Systems stands out at Robot World 2023 in South Korea |
e-con Systems exhibited at the Robot World 2023 held in KINTEX Hall 1-3, South Korea, from October 11-14, 2023. The event witnessed an unprecedented number of visitors, solidifying the Robot World as a major platform for embedded vision experts.
During the exhibition, e-con Systems showcased live demos of our latest product launches in our booth. It included a bird's-eye view demo using STURDeCAM31, a Sony ISX031 IP69K GMSL2 HDR camera, with the NVIDIA Jetson AGX ORIN Platform. We also showcased other popular products, such as See3CAM_50CUGM, a Sony® Pregius IMX264 Monochrome USB camera, See3CAM_CU83, a 4K AR0830 RGB-IR USB camera, DepthVista_MIPI_IRD, a 3D Time of Flight (ToF) camera, and more.
Our booth was abuzz with excitement from the opening, drawing a substantial crowd of industry professionals and enthusiasts. With an impressive portfolio of cutting-edge camera solutions on display, e-con Systems captured the audience's attention, creating engaging conversations throughout the event while opening the door for potential collaborations.
e-con Systems' participation at Robot World 2023 in South Korea reaffirms our dedication to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. As the event concludes, we are already looking ahead to upcoming events.
October 5, 2023 - e-con Systems® is Partnering with Renesas to Deliver Cutting-Edge Embedded Camera Solutions for Edge AI Applications |
e-con Systems is pleased to announce its strategic collaboration with Renesas, a leading global provider of microcontrollers. This partnership marks a significant step in delivering cutting-edge embedded camera solutions, leveraging the powerful vision capabilities of e-con cameras and Renesas RZ/V2L vision AI microprocessors. These solutions are set to revolutionize a wide range of applications including smart agriculture, self-checkout systems, intelligent traffic management, sports analytics, and more.
To know more, please visit Renesas Supported Cameras
27. September 2023 - e-con Systems® bringt überlegene HDR-Mehrkameralösung für NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin auf den Markt, um die autonome Mobilität zu revolutionieren |
e-con Systems freut sich, STURDeCAM31 auf den Markt zu bringen, eine 3MP GMSL2 HDR IP69K Kamera mit Sony® ISX031 Sensor für NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin. Diese für den Automobilbereich konzipierte Kamera mit kleinem Formfaktor wurde entwickelt, um auch bei schwierigen Lichtverhältnissen im Freien eine zuverlässige und hervorragende Bildqualität zu gewährleisten.
Abb.: STURDeCAM31 - 3MP 120dB HDR Kamera für autonome Mobilität
Mit dem Sony® ISX031-Sensor mit Subpixel-Technologie bietet diese Kamera mit kleinem Formfaktor eine hervorragende Leistung. Sie verfügt über einen beeindruckenden High Dynamic Range (HDR) von bis zu 120 dB ohne Bewegungsartefakte, LED Flicker Mitigation (LFM) und die praktische GMSL2-Schnittstelle, die Koaxialkabel von bis zu 15 m mit FAKRA-Steckern unterstützt. Für die nahtlose Synchronisation mehrerer Kameras ist auch ein externer Trigger verfügbar.
STURDeCAM31 ist mit der NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin-Plattform kompatibel und bietet synchronisierte Multi-Kamera-Lösungen (mit Unterstützung von bis zu acht Kameras über die GMSL2-Schnittstelle). Diese leistungsstarke Kombination aus STURDeCAM31 und NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin ist ein Wendepunkt in der autonomen Mobilitätsbranche, insbesondere für ADAS, Lieferroboter, autonome landwirtschaftliche Fahrzeuge usw. Für zusätzliche Vielseitigkeit bieten wir auch andere Varianten mit FPD-Link-, USB- und MIPI-Schnittstellen an.
Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte: STURDeCAM31
07. September 2023 - e-con's 5MP hochempfindliche Global-Shutter-Kamera jetzt auch in Farbe |
e-con Systems bringt die See3CAM_50CUG auf den Markt, eine hochempfindliche 5-MP-Global-Shutter-Farbkamera, die auf dem Sony® Pregius IMX264-Sensor basiert.
Abb.: See3CAM_50CUG - 5MP Sony® Pregius IMX264 Global Shutter-Farbkamera
Diese Kamera mit Back-Illuminated-Pixel-Technologie, einer groβen Pixelgröβe von 3,45μm und einer Global-Shutter-Auslesung gewährleistet eine rauschfreie und genaue Farbwiedergabe und wurde speziell für die medizinische und biowissenschaftliche Bildgebung entwickelt.
Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte: See3CAM_50CUG
June 17, 2023 - e-con Systems Shines at ISS 2023 Japan Show with Record-Breaking Attendance |
e-con Systems exhibited at the Image Sensing Show 2023, held in Pacifico Yokohama Hall D, Japan, from June 14th to 16th, 2023. The event witnessed a record-breaking number of attendees, as many visited our booth and solidified e-con Systems' position as a key player in the embedded vision space.
We showcased live demos of our recent launches, including:
- 13MP GMSL2 camera designed for the Qualcomm® Robotics RB5 platform
- Sony ISX031 IP69K Automotive Grade GMSL2 HDR camera
- Bird's eye view demonstration based on our 360-degree image stitching camera system
Our booth buzzed with excitement from the moment the doors opened. With an array of cutting-edge camera products on display, e-con Systems was able to captivate the audience's attention - sparking engaging conversations throughout the event. They showed a lot of eagerness and excitement in exploring potential collaborations with us.
The successful participation at ISS 2023 Japan further cements our commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. We are already looking forward to wowing the crowd in future events.
01. Juni 2023 - e-con Systems® kündigt fortschrittliche Multi-Kamera-Lösungen für das Qualcomm Robotics RB5-Kit an |
e-con Systems® kündigt eine innovative Multikameralösung an, die die Fähigkeiten des Qualcomm Robotics RB5 Kits maximiert. Diese Lösung ermöglicht den gleichzeitigen Anschluss von bis zu sechs Kameras. Die Kameras können MIPI oder GMSL2 oder beides sein.
Abb.: Erweiterte Multi-Kamera-Lösungen für das Qualcomm RB5 Robotics Kit
Diese Reihe fortschrittlicher Kameralösungen von e-con Systems wird durch die leistungsstarke 15TOPS-Rechenleistung von Qualcomm unterstützt, die zudem wenig Strom verbraucht und die Wärme effizient ableitet. Daher ist sie ideal für Anwendungen wie Drohnen, Lieferroboter und autonome Einkaufssysteme.
Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte: Qualcomm RB5 Robotics Kit
May 27, 2023 - e-con Systems® received a tremendous response at AUTOMATE 2023 |
e-con Systems recently exhibited at Automate 2023, held from May 22-25 in Detroit, Michigan. This event is one of the leading events showcasing the power of automation and embedded vision in North America.
e-con Systems received a tremendous response at the show with a demo of our 3D Time of Flight Camera. The visitors at our booth could see how this solution helps autonomous mobile robots navigate surroundings through path planning and obstacle detection/avoidance.
We also showcased demos to highlight other robotics use cases. These included:
Our camera experts also got the chance to answer many questions from all the visitors who visited the booth to understand better how our solutions can help advance their camera integration projects.
It was a motivating experience that inspired us to persist on our path of innovation in embedded vision and actively participate in future events.
May 26, 2023 - e-con Systems® successfully exhibited at Embedded Vision Summit 2023 |
e-con Systems exhibited at Embedded Vision Summit 2023, held from May 23-24 in Santa Clara, California. It is a premier show for innovators and trailblazers in the Computer Vision and Edge AI product space.
Our most popular products were on display, including, See3CAM_50CUG - 5MP Sony Global Shutter Color Camera, DepthVista - 3D Time of Flight Camera, and many more. Our upcoming product STURDeCAM31 - IP69K Automotive Grade GMSL2 HDR camera with LFM especially garnered a lot of attention.
One of the key highlights of the show was our application-focused demos of use cases across markets like retail, medical, and industrial. It helped demonstrate our focus on customers and how we leverage our expertise in embedded vision to solve real-world problems. These demos included:
- ArniCAM20 a 360-degree bird's-eye-view camera based on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin
- An 8 MP multi-camera solution (MIPI & GMSL2 cameras) for Qualcomm® Robotics RB5 platform
- Crop monitoring using NDVI imaging - based on an 8MP RGBIR USB camera
- Sony ISX031 IP69K Automotive Grade GMSL2 HDR camera streaming
Our booth at the Embedded Vision Summit allowed attendees to experience how high-quality embedded cameras will significantly influence the performance of vision-based products and systems. Our diverse cross-market demos turned out to be big-time crowd-pleasers.
We were extremely pleased that so many product developers stopped by our booth and interacted with us. They had a range of inquiries regarding our camera solutions. It really motivated us and gave us a powerful reason to keep showcasing our embedded vision cameras in future events.
May 24, 2023 - e-con Systems® is Partnering with AAEON to Accelerate the Deployment of Cutting-Edge Embedded Vision Solutions for AGVs and AMRs |
We are happy to partner with AAEON, a leading designer and manufacturer of advanced embedded computing platforms. Together, we will develop state-of-the-art, high-quality camera-based products for Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) including warehouse automation systems and AGVs.
Our collaborative strengths can help seamlessly evolve embedded vision solutions and offer immersive imaging experiences - with a high-quality computing platform and a small form factor. Read More
May 15, 2023 - e-con Systems Secures $13M Funding for Global Expansion Led by GR 2022 Holdings |
e-con Systems has secured $13m in funding from GR 2022 Holdings to expand operations in the US and other countries. The funding will be utilized for e-con System's growth plans, including investment in building contemporary and state-of-the-art facilities for imaging, Autonomous Mobile Robots, Autonomous shopping, and Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core Laboratory. Read More
May 10, 2023 - e-con Systems partners with Vecow to co-develop NVIDIA based AI vision applications targeting the world's most demanding mobile robots and in-vehicle computing systems |
e-con Systems, a global OEM camera solution provider, is excited to announce a strategic partnership with Vecow, a leading provider of edge AI solutions. This partnership brings together the expertise of both companies to deliver innovative solutions for AI vision applications. By integrating e-con Systems' GMSL cameras with Vecow's NVIDIA based Edge AI computing systems, the companies aim to enhance the vision system, allowing customers to focus on their application.
This partnership represents a significant step forward for both companies to collaborate and innovate - offering intelligent solutions for global customers to develop a broad range of edge AI applications. With our combined strengths and expertise, we help our customers carry out in-vehicle computing, real-time video analytics, AOI, smart manufacturing, etc.
March 29, 2023 - e-con Systems® launches a 5MP global shutter UVC Compliant USB monochrome camera |
e-con Systems launches See3CAM_50CUGM - a 5MP global shutter monochrome camera based on the Sony® Pregius IMX264 sensor.
Fig: See3CAM_50CUGM - 5MP Sony® Pregius IMX264 Global Shutter Monochrome Camera
This camera includes almost every feature required for life science imaging, such as global shutter, large sensor and pixel size, high sensitivity, superior signal-to-noise ratio, NIR, long and short exposure, trigger functionality, multi-frame set output mode, multi-trigger exposure control, and many more.
To know more, please visit: See3CAM_50CUGM
March 21, 2023 - e-con Systems® Partners with Advantech to Empower High-Performance Video AI System in AGV/AMR applications |
We're proud to announce that e-con Systems, a leading OEM camera solution provider, has entered into a partnership with Advantech, a top industrial edge AI solution provider, to provide global customers with GMSL cameras + AI computing systems for AGV/AMR applications.
We're confident that our experience, along with Advantech's expertise, will pave the way for our customers worldwide to integrate cutting-edge camera solutions into their embedded vision-based applications.
March 17, 2023 - e-con Systems stole the show at Embedded World 2023 by showcasing cutting‑edge camera solutions and wowing the attendees |
Embedded World 2023 was held from March 14 to 16 in Nuremberg, Germany. This year, the event saw a record turnout of leading embedded vision companies worldwide. e-con Systems' active partner engagement helped showcase the company's commitment to innovation and collaboration in the embedded space.
e-con featured a wide range of camera solutions that deliver unparalleled performance and help accelerate product prototyping and development efforts. We look forward to participating in future events and wowing customers with many more innovative products.
March 10, 2023 - e-con Systems® exhibited at Korea Vision Show 2023 |
e-con Systems exhibited at Asia's Leading Smart Factory & Automation Show -Smart Factory Expo/Korea Vision Show 2023, held from 8th to 10th March 2023 at Coex, Seoul, South Korea.
We exhibited our proficiency in embedded vision by presenting demonstrations of use cases in various industries, including Retail, Medical, and Industrial.
The following demos were showcased at the show:
Our participation in the event was a significant accomplishment, as many attendees witnessed our world-class camera solutions in action. We were delighted to see numerous product developers visiting our booth with inquiries related to our cameras. This has motivated us to continue showcasing our products and expertise in upcoming events.
March 1, 2023 - e-con Systems® launches 3D ToF MIPI camera for NVIDIA® Jetson platforms |
e-con Systems launches a 3D Time of Flight (ToF) MIPI CSI 2 camera for NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ / AGX Xavier™ DepthVista_MIPI_IRD. It comes with a wider spectral range to power outdoor as well as indoor embedded vision applications.
Fig: DepthVista_MIPI_IRD - 3D Time of Flight (ToF) Camera for NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ / AGX Xavier™
This camera comes with unique features such as compatibility with NVIDIA Jetson platforms, depth scalability up to 12m, compact form factor, and multi-camera support. These features make this camera a perfect solution for applications like Autonomous Mobile Robots(Indoor & Outdoor), Remote patient monitoring, and face recognition-based anti-spoofing devices.
To know more, please visit: DepthVista_MIPI_IRD
February 28, 2023 - e-con Systems® partners with Seeed Studio |
e-con Systems, an embedded vision leader, and Seeed Studio, a leading AIoT hardware provider, both NVIDIA's partners have recently entered into a partnership, aiming at empowering computer vision capabilities across industries with best-in-class hardware components and ready-to-use drivers and files needed for operation with Jetpack SDK.
Vision sensors are key components for Edge AI machines. e-con Systems has various camera
interfaces including USB, GMSL, Ethernet, FPD link iii, and MIPI CSI. e-con offers cameras that can be
readily integrated with the complete portfolio of Seeed's carrier boards including reComputer J101,
J202, and Jetson A203 V2 boards -built for NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Xavier, Xavier NX, and Orin. Read more
9. November 2022 - e-con Systems® bringt seine erste FPD-Link III-Kamera auf den Markt - NeduCAM25, ein Voll-HD-Kameramodul, das auf dem Global-Shutter-Sensor AR0234 von onsemi® basiert |
e-con Systems führt das erste Kameramodul der FPD-LINK III-Kameraserie ein - NeduCAM25. NeduCAM25 ist ein Voll-HD FPD-LINK III Kameramodul, das auf dem AR0234-Sensor von onsemi® basiert. Die Global-Shutter-Funktion dieser Kamera hilft dabei, sich schnell bewegende Objekte ohne Rolling-Shutter-Artefakte zu erfassen. Darüber hinaus minimiert die Fähigkeit, HD-Bilder mit 120 fps aufzunehmen, die Verzerrung von Bild zu Bild und reduziert die Bewegungsunschärfe.
Abb.: NeduCAM25 - Voll-HD Global-Shutter FPD-Link III Kameramodul
Es verwendet die FPD-LINK III-Schnittstelle und ein abgeschirmtes Koaxialkabel für die zuverlässige übertragung von Strom und Daten bis zu einer Entfernung von 15 m mit geringer Latenz. Dieses Kameramodul kann an eine breite Palette von Verarbeitungsplattformen angeschlossen werden, einschlieβlich Texas Instruments SK-TDA4VM, NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin und AGX Xavier Kits.
Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte: NeduCAM25
Nov 03, 2022 - e-con Systems® at NVIDIA Jetson Ecosystem Day held in Bangalore |
e-con Systems is glad to have showcased our Jetson expertise at a recent event (Jetson Ecosystem Day) held in Bangalore on 3rd November 2022.
We garnered a lot of attention while presenting our wide portfolio of cameras along with our best-in-class demos. Our Director of Marketing, Suganthi Sugumaran, showcased e-con's elite partnership with NVIDIA.
October 14, 2022 - e-con Systems® exhibited at THE VISION SHOW-2022, Massachusetts, Boston. |
e-con Systems exhibited at VISION 2022 held from October 11 to 13 in Boston, USA. It's North America's leading Machine Vision and Imaging show.
Some of our most well-known products were on display, including STURDeCAM20 (an IP67-rated Full HD GMSL2 HDR camera), See3CAM 24CUG (a Full HD color global shutter USB camera), See3CAM CU135 (a 13MP fixed focus USB camera board with exceptional low light performance), and many more.
One of the key highlights of the show was our end application-focused demos of use cases across a variety of industries including Retail, Medical, and Industrial. This helped us demonstrate our focus on customers and how we leverage our expertise in embedded vision to solve real-world problems. These demos included:
- Self-checkout using the global shutter USB 3 camera based on the AR0234CS sensor.
- An edge AI camera for performing pre-analytic tasks in in-vitro diagnostics.
- An autonomous mobile robot navigating using our 3D Time-of-Flight camera.
- The RGB-IR camera that streams color & IR images simultaneously.
With the variety of crowd-pulling demos across the markets, e-con's participation in the show gave an opportunity for many to witness how high-quality embedded cameras can make a huge impact on the performance of vision-based devices and systems.
We were delighted to have several product developers stop by our booth and ask us a variety of questions about cameras. This offers us the inspiration and encouragement to keep showcasing our products and expertise in upcoming events.
Oct 13, 2022 - A great showing for e-con Systems® at the Jetson Developer Meet 2022, Korea |
e-con Systems recently presented at the NVIDIA Jetson Developer Meetup, held on October 13, in Korea. With some of the topmost innovators in the embedded vision industry, this event attracted more than 200 attendees. Ramki, our Business Development Manager, proudly represented e-con Systems and highlighted our elite partnership with NVIDIA. He went on to offer valuable insights on all our cameras that support NVIDIA® Jetson™ kits for industrial, retail and medical markets.
October 07, 2022 - e-con Systems® exhibited at VISION-2022, Stuttgart, Germany |
e-con Systems recently exhibited at VISION 2022 held from October 4 to 6 at Messe Stuttgart, Germany. VISION 2022 is the world's leading trade fair for image processing.
We demonstrated our expertise in embedded vision by showcasing demos of use cases across multiple industries such as Retail, Medical, and Industrial. These included:
e-con Systems also showcased some of its popular products such as STURDeCAM20 (IP67 rated Full HD GMSL2 HDR camera), See3CAM_24CUG (Full HD color global shutter USB camera), See3CAM_CU135 (13MP fixed focus USB camera board with good low light performance), and much more.
e-con's participation in the event was a huge success as hundreds of attendees saw our cutting-edge camera solutions in action. We were thrilled to see many product developers approaching us at the booth with various camera-related queries. This gives us the motivation and encouragement to continue to showcase our products and expertise in future events.
September 23, 2022 - e-con Systems® exhibited at Electronica India 2022 |
e-con Systems recently exhibited at Electronica India 2022 held from September 21 to 23 at Greater Noida, Delhi. Electronica is India's leading International Trade Fair for Electronic Components, Systems, Applications, and Solutions.
e-con Systems had an overwhelming response at the show with the demonstration of its 3D Time of Flight (ToF) camera in action helping an autonomous mobile robot navigate the surroundings. The camera helped AMR with path planning and obstacle detection & avoidance.
We also demonstrated our expertise in embedded vision by showcasing demos of use cases across multiple industries such as Retail, Medical, and Industrial. These included:
e-con's camera specialists were also available at the booth as they kept themselves busy responding to the visitors' camera-related queries in order to assist them in moving forward with their camera integration efforts.
With e-con's participation at the event becoming a huge success, we are all pumped up to continue our journey of innovation in embedded vision and be a part of more such events in the future.
13. September 2022 - e-con Systems® bringt RouteCAM_CU20 auf den Markt, eine Voll-HD-GigE-Kamera, die auf dem Sony STARVIS™ IMX462 Ultra-Low-Light-HDR-Sensor basiert. |
e-con Systems bringt RouteCAM_CU20, auf den Markt, eine Voll-HD-GigE-Kamera, die auf dem Sony
STARVIS™ IMX462-Ultra-Niedriglicht-HDR-Sensor basiert. Die GigE-Schnittstelle dieser Kameraserie
gewährleistet eine zuverlässige Verbindung zur Übertragung von Videodaten bis zu einer Entfernung von 100 m.
Abb.: RouteCAM_CU20 - Sony® Starvis™ IMX462 Voll-HD GigE Kamera
Die Ethernet-Schnittstelle nutzt Ihre bestehende Infrastruktur, was eine schnelle und einfache Integration der Kamera in das Gerät ermöglicht. Dies wiederum führt zu geringen Entwicklungskosten. Darüber hinaus kann diese Kamera in Bezug auf Formfaktor und Optik benutzerdefiniert angepasst werden, um den speziellen Anforderungen der Endanwendung gerecht zu werden.
Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte: RouteCAM_CU20
10. August 2022 - e-con Systems® bringt 4K HDR GMSL2 Multi-Kamera-Lösung für NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin™ / AGX Xavier™ auf den Markt |
e-con Systems bringt NileCAM81_CUOAGX, auf den Markt, eine 4K HDR GMSL2-Multikameralösung für NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin™ / AGX Xavier™, die auf dem Halbzoll-Sensor AR0821 von onsemi™ basiert. Er verfügt über eine Pixelgröβe von 2,1μm x 2,1μm und bietet damit eine hohe Empfindlichkeit.In Kombination mit der hohen Auflösung von 4K lassen sich so auch bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen detailreiche Bilder aufnehmen.
Abbildung: NileCAM81_CUOAGX - AR0821 4K HDR GMSL2 kamera für NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin
Die NileCAM81_CUOAGX ist eine Multi-Kamera-Lösung. Sie verfügt also über mehrere Kamera-Pipelines, die hochauflösende Bilder und Videos übertragen. Aus diesem Grund ist sie so konzipiert, dass sie mit leistungsstarken Host-Plattformen wie NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin™ und NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ kompatibel ist. Er nutzt GMSL2, um Videodaten zuverlässig bis zu einer Entfernung von 15 m mit sehr geringer Latenz zu übertragen.
Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte: NileCAM81_CUOAGX
24. Juni 2022 - e-con Systems® auf der Embedded World 2022 ausgestellt |
e-con Systems präsentierte sich auf der Embedded World 2022, die vom 21. bis 23. Juni in Nürnberg,Deutschland, stattfand. Die Embedded World ist eine führende Veranstaltung für die Embedded-Community, deren Ziel es ist, Innovationen in diesem Bereich zu fördern. e-con Systems präsentiertsein Fachwissen im Bereich der eingebetteten Bildverarbeitung mit einer breiten Palette von Produkten- der 3D-Time-of-Flight-Kamera, dem Qualcomm QCS610-basierten KI-Bildverarbeitungsbausatz, der180-Grad-Bildstitching-Lösung und der Sony STARVIS IMX485-basierten 4K-Multikameralösung für NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin. Die zahlreichen Kundenanfragen, die am Stand eingingen, wurden von denKameraexperten von e-con beantwortet, um Produktentwicklern zu helfen, den nächsten Schritt in ihrerKamera-Integrationsreise zu machen.
Als Vorreiter in der Kameratechnologie wird e-con Systems auch in diesem Jahr auf verschiedenen
Messen weltweit ausstellen.
22. Juni 2022 - e-con Systems® schlieβt Partnerschaft mit Syslogic |
e-con Systems geht eine Partnerschaft mit Syslogic ein, einem führenden Technologieunternehmen in der eingebetteten Industrie, das sich auf die Digitalisierung konzentriert. Dadurch können e-con-Kameras problemlos in die robusten KI-Boxen von Syslogic integriert werden, die auf NVIDIA Jetson Nano und Xavier NX basieren.
e-con Systems ist ein Elitepartner von NVIDIA und hat ein breites Portfolio an Kameras für NVIDIA-Plattformen entwickelt, darunter NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin, AGX Xavier, Xavier NX, TX2 NX und Nano. Mit dieser neuen Partnerschaft können Produktentwickler eine Kombination aus den gebrauchsfertigen eingebetteten Kameras von e-con in Verbindung mit den NVIDIA-basierten KI-Boxen von Syslogic verwenden, um innovative Edge-KI-fähige eingebettete Systeme zu entwickeln.
Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte hier
21. Juni 2022 - e-con Systems® bringt 4K-Multikameralösung für NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin auf den Markt. |
e-con Systems launches e-CAM82_CUOAGX, e-con Systems bringt e-CAM82_CUOAGX auf den Markt, eine 4K-Multikameralösung für NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin. Diese hochempfindliche Tageslichtkamera basiert auf dem Sony STARVIS™ IM485 Sensor, der eine Sensorgröβe von 1/1,2" und eine Pixelgröβe von 2,9μm aufweist. Die Kamera wird auf der Messe Embedded World 2022, die vom 21. bis 23. Juni im Messezentrum Nürnberg stattfindet, offiziell vorgestellt.
Fig: e-CAM82_CUOAGX - 4K-Multikameralösung für NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin
Diese hochauflösende Kameralösung wurde speziell entwickelt, um den steigenden KI-Bedarf von neuartigen eingebetteten Bildverarbeitungsanwendungen zu befriedigen, indem sie die Leistung von e-con's Kameraexpertise und die Leistung von NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin kombiniert. Mit der e-CAM82_CUOAGX werden Produktentwickler erstklassige Bilder und Videos liefern können, die für autonome und KI-hungrige Systeme wie autonome mobile Roboter, autonome Traktoren, Personenerkennungssysteme, Systeme zur Analyse von Menschenmengen und Telegesundheitsgeräte erforderlich sind.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte: e-CAM82_CUOAGX
13. Juni 2022 - Danke, dass Sie die Image Sensing Show zu einem groβen Erfolg gemacht haben |
e-con Systems nahm kürzlich an der Image Sensing Show 2022 teil, die vom 8. bis 10. Juni im Pacifico Yokohama in Japan stattfand. Wir präsentierten Live-Demos unserer Produkte wie die Time-of-Flight (ToF) camera, das qSmartAI80_CUQ610 - Qualcomm® Edge Qualcomm® Edge KI Bildverarbeitungskit und die 13MP AR1335 MIPI-Kameramodule für Auβerdem durften wir viele Branchenvertreter an unserem Stand begrüβen, die sich mit unseren Kameraexperten austauschten, um ihre Fragen zu eingebetteten Bildverarbeitungsanwendungen zu klären. Es war wirklich eine denkwürdige Veranstaltung, und wir freuen uns schon auf die ISS im nächsten Jahr!
10. Juni 2022 - e-con Systems® weiht sein neues Büro im Herzen von Bangalore ein |
Kürzlich haben wir unser neues Büro im Herzen von Bangalore eingeweiht. Es befindet sich in den Raheja Towers (East Wing) in der MG Road und wird in erster Linie auf den Vertrieb ausgerichtet sein, mit der Möglichkeit, potenziellen Kunden Fallstudien zu präsentieren. Es wird auch einen eigenen Field Application Engineer (FAE) und einen Manager auf Landesebene haben. Im Juni fand eine Einweihungsfeier statt, an der unsere Führungskräfte und unsere Mitarbeiter in Bangalore teilnahmen.
Unsere Expansion nach Bangalore ist nur einer von vielen Meilensteinen, die e-con Systems in diesem Jahr erreicht hat. Im Juni feierten wir auch das 18-jährige Bestehen des Unternehmens als weltweit führender OEM-Kamerahersteller.
Für weitere Informationen über alle unsere Standorte klicken Sie bitte hier.
20. Mai 2022 - Danke, dass Sie den eingebetteten Bildverarbeitungsgipfel zu einem groβen Erfolg gemacht haben |
e-con Systems stellte auf dem Embedded Vision Summit aus, der am 17. und 18. Mai 2022 im Santa Clara Convention Center in Kalifornien, USA, stattfand. Die Messe war ein groβer Erfolg, und e-con hat seine innovativen Kameral&sungen Hunderten von Besuchern vorgestellt. Besonders aufregend für e-con war die Einführung von DepthVista - einer 3D-Time-of-Flightmit einer Genauigkeit von < 1% und der Fähigkeit, sowohl Tiefen- als auch RGB-Daten in einem einzigen Bild zu liefern. Auf der Veranstaltung sprachen unsere Kameraexperten auch mit zahlreichen Unternehmen und Interessenten aus den Bereichen Medizin, Industrie, Einzelhandel und Landwirtschaft.
e-con Systems stellte die beliebtesten Produkte vor,
Wir haben uns über die überwältigende Resonanz und die interessanten Besucher mit einzigartigen Anforderungen gefreut. e-con Systems freut sich darauf, Sie auf zukünftigen Veranstaltungen mit vielen weiteren innovativen Produkten zu treffen.
17. Mai 2022 - e-con Systems® bringt DepthVista auf den Markt, eine Time-of-Flight(ToF)-Kamera für die genaue 3D-Tiefenmessung. |
DepthVista ist eine USB-ToF-Kamera mit einer Kombination aus einem 3D-Tiefensensor, der Videodaten mit einer hohen Auflösung von 640 x 480 bei 30 Bildern pro Sekunde überträgt, und einem AR0234-Farb-Global-Shutter-Sensor von Onsemi, der Bilder pro Sekunde in HD und FHD überträgt, um sowohl die Hinderniserkennung als auch die Objekterkennung/-identifizierung mit einer Kamera zu ermöglichen.
Abbildung: DepthVista - 3D Time-of-Flight Kamera
Die Genauigkeit bei der Tiefenmessung, der Fern- und Nahbereichsmodus, die Fähigkeit, bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen zu arbeiten, das kompakte Design und die Fähigkeit, sowohl RGB- als auch Tiefendaten zu liefern, machen diese Kamera zu einer idealen Lösung für Anwendungen wie autonome mobile Roboter wie Lager- und Serviceroboter, Roboterarme, autonome fahrerlose Fahrzeuge, Personenzählsysteme, 3D-Gesichtserkennung für Anti-Spoofing-Geräte und Patientenpflege/Patientenüberwachung.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte: DepthVista
Apr 05, 2022 - e-con Systems® launches qSmartAI80_CUQ610, a ready to deploy Qualcomm® QCS610 based AI vision kit with Sony 4K ultra low light camera |
qSmartAI80_CUQ610 ist ein einsatzbereites KI-Kit, das aus dem 4K MIPI CSI-2-Kameramodul von e-con, einem SoM von VVDN Technologies auf Basis des Qualcomm QCS610 SoC und einer Trägerplatine besteht. Das 4K-Kameramodul basiert auf dem hochempfindlichen Tageslicht-kamera-Sensor Sony STARVIS IMX415, der auch bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen für auβergewöhnlich klare Bilder sorgt. Das Kit ist zudem so konzipiert, dass es leistungsstarke Rechenleistung für die Bildverarbeitung auf dem Gerät mit auβergewöhnlicher Energie- und Wärmeeffizienz ermöglicht.
Abbildung:qSmartAI80_CUQ610 - Qualcomm® Edge KI Bildbearbeitungs-Kit
Mit dem kompletten Bildbearbeitungs-Kit und dem durchgängigen benutzerdefinierten Support von e-con Systems für Kamera, BSP, Software, Trägerplatine, Gehäuse usw. können sich Produktentwickler ganz auf ihre Endanwendung konzentrieren.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte: qSmartAI80_CUQ610
Feb 09, 2022 - e-con Systems® bringt e-CAM83_USB auf den Markt, eine UVC-konforme 8-MP-Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera mit Dual-Stream-Unterstützung und hohem Dynamikbereich. |
e-CAM83_USB ist eine 4K-HDR-USB-Kamera, die auf dem IMX317 von Sony, einem 1/2,5-Zoll-Sensor, basiert. Die Dual-Stream-Fähigkeit dieser Kamera ermöglicht den gleichzeitigen Empfang von zwei Streams mit unterschiedlichen Auflösungen. Die e-CAM83_USB verfügt auβerdem über die Funktion des hohen Dynamikbereichs, mit der Bilddaten auch bei schwierigen Lichtverhältnissen ohne Detailverlust erfasst werden können.
Fig: e-CAM83_USB - Hochauflösende 4K-HDR-USB-Kamera
Dual-Stream-Unterstützung, HDR, integrierter ISP und Unterstützung für DirectShow-Anwendungen machen diese Kamera zu einer idealen Lösung für Anwendungen wie Videokonferenzen, Telepräsenz und Avatar-Roboter. Darüber hinaus eignet sich die e-CAM83_USB auch für Geldautomaten, Einzelhandelskioske und Flughafenkioske.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte:e-CAM83_USB
28. Januar 2022 - e-con Systems® gibt die Änderung der Teilenummer von e-CAM51_USB bekannt |
Bei e-con Systems® werden die Produkte ständig weiterentwickelt, um die technologischen
Innovationen zu nutzen und den Wünschen unserer Kunden besser gerecht zu werden.
Die Teilenummer der e-CAM51B_USB wurde aufgrund des Wechsels des Kameraprozessors im Zuge
des EOL in e-CAM51B_USB geändert.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte: e-CAM51_USB
Jan 11, 2022 - e-con Systems® bringt See3CAM_CU135M auf den Markt, eine hochauflösende 13MP-Monochrom-USB 3.1 Gen 1-Kamera mit überragender Empfindlichkeit |
See3CAM_CU135M basiert auf dem 1/3,2-Zoll-Monochrom-CMOS-Bildsensor AR1335 von onsemi® mit fortschrittlicher 1,1μm-Pixel-BSI-Technologie. Diese Kamera verfügt über eine automatische Belichtungsfunktion, die eine einfache Anpassung an wechselnde Lichtverhältnisse ermöglicht. Sie verfügt über eine hohe Quanteneffizienz, die dazu beiträgt, Bilder mit weniger Rauschen bei allen Lichtverhältnissen aufzunehmen. Die Kamera verfügt über ein 2x2 und 4x4 Pixel-Binning, das die Empfindlichkeit erhüht.
Fig: See3CAM_CU135M - 13MP monochrom USB 3.1 Gen 1 kamera
Diese Monochromkamera überträgt Videodaten in Voll-HD mit 60 Bildern/s und 4K mit 30 Bildern/s mit den Ausgabeformaten Y8 und Y16. Diese Kamera eignet sich ideal für Anwendungen wie digitale Mikroskope, automatische Nummernschilderkennung und Qualitätskontrolle.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte: See3CAM_CU135M
Jan 10, 2022 - SmarteCAM, a readily deployable smart AI camera, is just USD 1500 now |
We have good news for you. SmarteCAM, a readily deployable smart AI camera is just USD 1500 now. SmarteCAM is an IP66 rated smart camera with AI processing capabilities. It comes with a camera based on the Sony STARVIS IMX290 image sensor with an Image Signal Processor (ISP) that supports High Dynamic Range (HDR) and an NVIDIA® TX2 module as the host.
We at e-con are starting off the year with a high by offering a huge discount on SmarteCAM! Only limited stocks are available. So, grab the opportunity to purchase the product now at USD 1500 by visiting the SmarteCAM product page.
Fig: SmarteCAM - A ready-to-deploy smart AI camera from e-con Systems
SmarteCAM has also been recently validated by the AWS Device Qualification Program (DQP) under the AWS IoT Greengrass category. It has been listed in the AWS Partner device catalog - thanks to its data analytics capabilities that leverage the AWS IoT Greengrass SDK. Read the press release on this here.
Dec 20, 2021 - Thank you for making the electronica India 2021 a massive Success |
e-con Systems exhibited at the electronica India held on December 16th, 17th, and 18th, 2021 at BIEC, Bangalore
This trade fair provided us a great opportunity to display our popular products, address important target groups, strengthen our bond with existing customers, and most importantly expand our sales database.
e-con Systems showcased the most popular products,
- Time of flight camera, based on a new 3D depth mapping technology that captures accurate depth data.
- Reliable and durable imaging using STURDeCAM20 an IP67 rated Full HD color GMSL2 HDR multi-camera solution.
- 180-degree image stitching using 13MP AR1335 MIPI camera modules connected with NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™.
We were pleased with overwhelming responses and interesting visitors with unique requirements. e-con Systems is looking forward to meeting you at future events with a lot more innovative products.
Dec 08, 2021 - A huge thanks for making the event "INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL EXHIBITION ON IMAGE TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT 2021" a huge success! |
e-con Systems exhibited at the INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL EXHIBITION ON IMAGE TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT 2021 at PACIFICO YOKOHAMA held between December 1st and 3rd, 2021.
e-con Systems showcased live demos of some of its latest and most popular products listed below:
- STURDeCAM20 - IP67 rated Full HD GMSL2 HDR camera
- 180-degree image stitching using 13MP AR1335 MIPI camera modules connected with NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™.
- See3CAM_CU81 an 8MP (4K) HDR camera based on the latest AR0821 sensor with large pixel size.
- See3CAM_160 an 16MP (4K) Autofocus USB 3.1 Gen 1 Camera with digital zoom and zero shutter lag.
- See3CAM_24CUG a Full HD global shutter camera with external trigger support.
- e-CAM80_CUNX an 8MP (4K) ultra lowlight camera based on Sony® STARVIS™ IMX415 sensor.
- See3CAM_CU27 - Sony® Starvis™ IMX462 Ultra-Low Light USB 3.1 Gen 1 Camera
A huge thanks to our customers and distribution partners for making this event a big success. e-con Systems is looking forward to meet you at future events with a lot more innovative products.
Nov 29, 2021 SmarteCAM - a ready-to-deploy smart AI camera from e-con Systems is now listed on AWS partner device catalog! |
e-con Systems' SmarteCAM, a ready to deploy smart AI camera system has now been validated by the AWS Device Qualification Program (DQP) under the AWS IoT Greengrass category. The camera has also been listed in the AWS Partner device catalog. SmarteCAM has been certified by AWS owing to its data analytics capabilities leveraging the AWS IoT Greengrass SDK.
SmarteCAM is an IP66 rated smart AI camera based on NVIDIA Jetson TX2. It is a programmable OEM smart camera that offers product developers the flexibility to build their own computer vision algorithms and customize them to their use case. Based on the Sony STARVIS IMX290 sensor, SmarteCAM also comes with the ability to integrate three of other e-con sensors including Sony STARVIS IMX415, AR0234, and AR0821.
16. November 2021 - e-con Systems® bringt 18-MP-MIPI-Kamera für das NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX-Entwicklungskit auf den Markt. |
e-CAM180_CUMI1820_MOD basiert auf dem 1/2,3-Zoll-AR1820-Sensor von onsemi®. Dieses Kameramodul liefert eine Bildausgabe mit einer Auflösung von 18 MP und einer hohen Detailgenauigkeit, die sich perfekt für Anwendungen wie intelligente überwachungssysteme und digitale Mikroskope eignet. e-CAM180_CUMI1820_MOD verfügt auβerdem über 4 Zoomstufen, mit denen der Benutzer die Kamera von links nach rechts schwenken, nach oben und unten neigen und in eine Szene hinein- und herauszoomen kann. Dieses MIPI CSI-2-Kameramodul verwendet den NVIDIA® Jetson ISP, um eine erstklassige Bildausgabe im unkomprimierten YUV-Format zu ermöglichen.
Abbildung: e-CAM180_CUMI1820_MOD - 18MP AR1820 MIPI-Kameramodul
Abbildung: e-CAM180_CUNX - 18 MP AR1820 MIPI-Kamera für NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier NX™ Kamera
Diese Multikameralösung wird mit dem NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX Entwicklungskit, NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™ Entwicklungskit und dem FLOYDNX Trägerplatine von Diamond System mit der notwendigen Software evaluiert. Die Lösung ermöglicht es dem Benutzer, bis zu drei 4-spurige MIPI-Kameramodule auf dem FLOYD Carrier Board mit NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX anzuschlieβen. Dieses MIPI-Kameramodul kann bei einer 4-spurigen Konfiguration 18 MP bei 13 Bilder/s übertragen.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte: e-CAM180_CUMI1820_MOD, e-CAM180_CUNX, e-CAM180_CUXVR und e-CAM181_CUNX
Oct 20, 2021 – e-con Systems® launches Full HD Ultra-low light USB 3.1 Gen 1 camera with superior NIR performance |
e-con Systems Inc launches an See3CAM_CU27, a Full HD ultra-low light USB 3.1 Gen 1 camera with superior near-infrared performance.
See3CAM_CU27 is a ultra-low light camera based on the SONY STARVIS IMX462 image sensor. It stands out in its superior near-infrared performance. The high sensitivity of this Full HD camera helps to capture images in as extremely low lighting conditions as 0 lux, which makes it suitable for night vision applications and medical microscopes. Also, this camera comes with a high-performance onboard Image Signal Processor (ISP). This facilitates accurate color reproduction with auto exposure and auto white balance functions that provide the best possible image output. See3CAM_CU27 is a fixed focus camera that has an M12 lens holder which offers customers an opportunity to use the lens of their choice.
Fig: See3CAM_CU27 - Full HD ultra-low light USB 3.1 Gen 1 camera
This UVC compliant camera supports the USB 3.1 Gen 1 interface, and is also backward compatible with USB 2.0 host ports. This interface allows streaming of MJPEG video data in Full HD @100 fps, and UYVY video data in Full HD @60 fps.
With the ultra-low light and near-IR sensitivity features, See3CAM_CU27 is suitable for various applications such as
smart surveillance, smart traffic management, food quality inspection systems, in-vehicle surveillance, medical microscopes for fluorescence, dark field and bright field imaging, ophthalmology devices, and agricultural applications such as crop monitoring and vegetation index measurement.
To evaluate this See3CAM_CU27 camera, purchase See3CAM_CU27 from e-con Systems® online store.
Oct 10, 2021 – Thank you for making the event a Huge Success at VISION 2021, Germany |
e-con Systems exhibited at the VISION 2021 held on October 5th, 6th and 7th, 2021.
e-con Systems showcased most popular products,
- Reliable and durable imaging using STURDeCAM20 an IP67 rated Full HD color GMSL2 HDR multi-camera solution.
- 180-degree image stitching using 13MP AR1335 MIPI camera modules connected with NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier.
- See3CAM_CU81 an 8MP (4K) HDR camera based on the latest AR0821 sensor with large pixel size.
- See3CAM_160 an 16MP (4K) Autofocus USB 3.1 Gen 1 Camera with digital zoom and zero shutter lag.
- See3CAM_24CUG a Full HD global shutter camera with external trigger support.
- e-CAM80_CUNX an 8MP (4K) ultra lowlight camera based on Sony STARVIS IMX415 sensor.
e-con Systems is looking forward to meet you in the future events with lot more innovative products.
Sep 29, 2021 – e-con Systems® launches Full HD GMSL2 color global shutter camera with IP67 enclosure that ensures dust and waterproofing. |
e-con Systems has launched STURDeCAM25 , a Full HD GMSL2 color global shutter camera with an IP67 enclosure that ensures protection from dust and water. STURDeCAM25 is the latest introduction in e-con Systems' STURDeCAM series characterized by products with IP rated rugged enclosures.
STURDeCAM25 is a multi-camera solution based on the AR0234CS sensor from onsemi®, with the ability to integrate up to 6 cameras. It comes with an onboard Image Signal Processor (ISP) which is tuned to achieve the best quality image output from the sensor. The global shutter efficiency of this camera helps to capture sharp images of moving objects without any shutter artifacts. Its large pixel size of 3.0 μm and high Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) help in producing exceptionally clear and sharp images with less noise even in challenging lighting conditions. The IP67 enclosure of this camera makes it suitable for use in harsh industrial conditions by protecting it from water, dust, temperature variations, as well as shocks and vibrations.
Fig: STURDeCAM25 - IP67 rated Full HD GMSL2 global shutter camera
Fig: STURDeCAM25_CUXVR - IP67 rated Full HD GMSL2 global shutter camera for NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™ developer kit
A combination of color global shutter, IP67 enclosure, GMSL2 interface, multi-synchronization support, and high-performance ISP makes this camera suitable for smart traffic systems, robotic arms, patrol robots, delivery robots, goods-to-person robots, agricultural trucks, and agricultural robots.
To evaluate this Full HD camera, purchase STURDeCAM25 from e-con Systems® online store.
Sep 13, 2021 – Thank you for making the event a Massive Success at Korea Vision Show - 2021 |
e-con Systems exhibited at the Korea Vision Show 2021 - Smart Factory and Automation World held between September 8th and 10th, 2021 along with their distribution partner Cythus.
e-con Systems had a great opportunity to exhibit for the first time in South Korea and to showcase e-con's expertise and their wide portfolio of cameras with resolution ranging from 1MP to 16MP that are compatible with popular ARM platforms such as NVIDIA Jetson, i.MX8, Google Coral, etc. with interfaces such as MIPI, USB, and GMSL.
Some of the most popular products showcased were
- STURDeCAM20: IP67 rated Full HD GMSL2 HDR camera
- 180-degree image stitching demo using 13 MP AR1335 MIPI camera modules connected with NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier
- Some of e-cons USB3 cameras such as
- Some of the MIPI cameras for NVIDIA Jetson platforms like,
- e-CAM80_CUNX: 4K low light camera based on Sony STARVIS IMX 415 sensor
- e-CAM24_CUNX: Full HD MIPI CSI-2 camera based on 1/2.6" AR0234CS global shutter CMOS Image sensor
- vMeasure: an AI based intelligent dimensioning system
"The show was a great success for e-con Systems, exhibiting for the first time in South Korea. We had more visitors with interesting requirement for camera products. We would like to thank all visitors for visiting our booth! We had great opportunity to interact with our visitors and answer their vision related queries." Said Mr. Thomas, Cythus.
e-con Systems is looking forward for another successful show in the upcoming events with lot more innovative products.
Aug 03, 2021 – e-con Systems® launches 8MP USB 3.1 color HDR camera |
e-con Systems Inc launches an 8MP USB 3.1 color HDR camera, See3CAM_CU81 based on the AR0821 CMOS image sensor from onsemi®, with an inbuilt Image Signal Processor (ISP).
See3CAM_CU81 is an 8MP fixed focus UVC compliant USB 3.1 camera which can capture high quality images in various lighting conditions. This 4K camera comes with the High Dynamic range (HDR) capability which uses multiple exposures in a single frame to bring out details in the brightest as well as darkest areas of the same scene in high-contrast lighting conditions. See3CAM_CU81 has an inbuilt high-performance Image Signal Processor (ISP) that performs all the auto functions (auto white balance, auto exposure). The ISP and sensor have been fine tuned for achieving excellent image quality.
Fig: See3CAM_CU81 - 8MP 4K HDR USB Camera
See3CAM_CU81 streams Full HD@60 fps, 4K@30fps in linear mode and 4K@30 fps in HDR mode. High Signal to Noise ratio of this camera helps to achieve a quality video image with low image noise even in poor lighting conditions. It comes with an M12 (S-mount) lens which allows customers to choose the lens of choice according to their application needs.
See3CAM_CU81 with features like HDR, 4K ultra-HD resolution, high sensitivity and high Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR) is suitable for a wide variety of applications such as digital signage, biometric & access control, sports broadcasting & analytics, smart surveillance, smart traffic management and other applications that require big data analytics.
To evaluate this 8MP camera, purchase See3CAM_CU81 from e-con Systems® online store.
Jun 16, 2021 – e-con Systems® launches 16MP autofocus USB 3.1 Gen 1 color camera |
We are excited to announce 16MP autofocus USB 3.1 Gen 1 color camera, See3CAM_160 based on the SONY IMX298 image sensor with an inbuilt Image Signal Processor (ISP).
See3CAM_160 is a compact single-board camera solution that houses the e-CAM160A_MI298_MOD camera module based on the 1/2.8" IMX298 CMOS image sensor from SONY, and can stream 1080p (FHD) @30fps and 4K@24fps. See3CAM_160 comes with an Inbuilt ISP tuned to bring out the best-in-class image quality and color reproduction, making this camera adaptable to different lighting conditions. The ISP also supports multiple levels of digital zoom.
Fig: See3CAM_160 - 16MP (4K) Autofocus USB 3.1 Gen 1 Camera Board (Color)
This high-resolution camera - with features like auto focus, zero shutter lag, small form factor, and digital zoom - is ideal for applications such as industrial rugged tablets, document scanners/readers, skin scanners, access control systems, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) etc.
To evaluate this 16 megapixel camera, purchase See3CAM_160 from e-con Systems® online store.
Jun 14, 2021 – Thank you for making the event a Massive Success at IMAGE SENSING SHOW 2021 |
e-con Systems exhibited at the IMAGE SENSING SHOW 2021 held on June 9th, 10th and 11th, 2021.
e-con Systems showcased their wide portfolio of cameras with resolution ranging from 1MP to 16MP that are compatible with popular ARM platforms such as NVIDIA Jetson, i.MX8, Google Coral, etc. with interfaces such as MIPI, USB, and GMSL.
Some of the most popular products showcased were
- e-CAM82_USB : 8MP ultra-low light USB camera based on the SONY STARVIS® IMX415 image sensor.
- e-CAM80_CUNX : 8MP ultra-low light MIPI CSI-2 camera for NVIDIA® Jetson Xavie™ NX developer kit.
- e-CAM24_CUNX : FHD Global Shutter MIPI CSI-2 camera for NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX / TX2 NX / Nano platforms.
e-con Systems is looking forward to meet you in the future events with lot more innovative products.
May 26, 2021 – e-con Systems® launches rugged and powerful Ready-to-Deploy IP66 Smart AI camera |
We are excited to announce the launch of an IP66 rated and Ready-to-Deploy smart camera. SmarteCAM with AI processing capabilities. SmarteCAM is a smart camera based on the SONY STARVIS IMX290 image sensor with an Image Signal Processor (ISP) that supports HDR (High Dynamic Range) and an NVIDIA® TX2 module as the host.
NVIDIA® TX2 processor can run multiple algorithms required for any AI based application or use case. SmarteCAM can be connected to the internet or host PC using gigabit ethernet LAN. Also, there is no need for any additional driver installation. With all the necessary firmware built-in along with sample application, SmarteCAM will help companies significantly reduce their time to market.
Fig: SmarteCAM - IP66 Smart Camera for AI Vision at the Intelligent Edge
This camera is suitable for applications such as crowd monitoring & analysis, smart farming, sports broadcasting, Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA), smart traffic, smart cities etc. Read more
To evaluate this intelligent camera, can purchase SmarteCAM from e-con Systems® online store.
April 27, 2021 – e-con Systems launches Sony STARVIS™ IMX415 based 4K Ultra-HD USB camera |
We are proud to announce the launch of e-CAM82_USB, 4K ultra low light USB 2.0 camera based on the SONY STARVIS™ IMX415 image sensor with the capability to produce exceptional color images even in absolute darkness (nearly 0.4 Lux). This 4K USB 2.0 camera has an inbuilt high-performance Image Signal Processor (ISP) that performs all the auto functions (auto white balance, auto exposure).
To evaluate this 8MP color low light USB 2.0 camera, can purchase e-CAM82_USB from e-con Systems® online store.
Fig: e-CAM82_USB - Sony STARVIS™ IMX415 4K Ultra-HD USB camera
For more information please visit: e-CAM82_USB
Mar 30, 2021 – e-con Systems launches AR0233AT based HDR + LFM GMSL2 Camera and Camera Kit with 15m Cable |
We are proud to launch the NileCAM21 - a Full HD GMSL2 camera - and NileCAM21_CUXVR camera kit leveraging the powerful capabilities of the NVIDIA® Jetson™ edge AI platform. This camera is based on the 1/2.5" AR0233AT CMOS image sensor from onsemi® and a well-tuned image signal processor (ISP). It ships with a 15 meter coaxial cable, enabling seamless high-quality video streaming upto a distance of 15 meters from the host processor with very low latency.
To evaluate this NileCAM21 - Full HD GMSL2 camera and NileCAM21_CUXVR camera kit with NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™ developer kit, please visit our webstore
Fig: NileCAM21 - Full HD GMSL2 HDR Camera with LFM (supports upto 15m cable)
Fig: NileCAM21_CUXVR - HDR GMSL 2 Camera with LFM for NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™
For more information please visit: NileCAM21 and NileCAM21_CUXVR
Mar 09, 2021 – e-con Systems launches Full HD Color Global shutter USB 3.1 Gen1 camera |
e-con Systems launches Full HD Color Global shutter USB 3.1 Gen1 camera, See3CAM_24CUG . This camera is based on AR0234CS CMOS image sensor and a high-performance Image Signal Processor (ISP). The camera is designed to capture moving objects and rapid motion sequences with superior image quality and accuracy.
To evaluate this FHD color global shutter USB camera, can purchase See3CAM_24CUG from e-con Systems® online store.
Fig: See3CAM_24CUG - Full HD Color Global Shutter USB Camera
For more information please visit: See3CAM_24CUG
Feb 12, 2021 – How to build Edge AI & Computer Vision PoCs in 4 weeks |
We are delighted to announce that e-con Systems is joining hands with VisAI Labs - a company that develops edge AI based computer vision solutions - for a live webinar on Feb 23rd, from 9.00 a.m to 10.00 a.m PST.
The topic of the webinar is "How to build Edge AI & Computer Vision PoCs in 4 weeks with ready to deploy Hardware and Tuneable Algorithms?"
This webinar will be useful to learn how to accelerate the ideation to PoC process for edge AI and computer vision based solution development.
Key Takeaways:
- How to identify the feature set of Edge AI based Hardware Product focused PoCs?
- Step by Step 4-week plan to test any idea by building a fast PoC
- What expertise do you need to build fast Proof of Concepts?
- What are the ready to deploy camera and edge processor combinations readily available in the marketplace?
- Where to find and tune AI and Computer Vision Algorithms specific to your application?
To register and know more about this webinar, please Click here
Feb 3, 2021 – e-con Systems launches 90fps 4K SONY STARVIS® Camera with ultra-low light |
We are proud to announce the launch of e-CAM83_CUMI415_MOD 4K Ultra-HD MIPI camera module.This camera comes with the 8MP SONY STARVIS™ IMX415 CMOS image sensor. Its low light sensitivity delivers clear color images even at extremely low light or even no light (nearly 0 lux) conditions. It is capable of streaming high frame rate (90 fps) at 4K (3840 x 2160) resolution.
To evaluate this e-CAM83_CUMI415_MOD - 4K camera module, we offer e-CAM80_CUNX MIPI Camera kit, that plugs into NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier NX / Jetson Nano developer kit.
Fig: e-CAM83_CUMI415_MO - 4K@90fps Sony STARVIS® IMX415 Low light Camera Module
Fig: e-CAM80_CUNX - Sony 4K Camera for NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX
For more information please visit:e-CAM83_CUMI415_MOD and e-CAM80_CUNX..
Dec 10, 2020 – e-con Systems launches Full HD Color Global Shutter MIPI CSI-2 Camera Module |
We are proud to announce the launch of e-CAM217_CUMI0234_MOD, Full HD Color Global Shutter MIPI CSI-2 camera module. This Full HD camera module is based on 1/2.6" AR0234CS image sensor from onsemi® with a well-tuned image signal processor (ISP). Its interchangeable M12 (S-mount) lens allows customers to choose a lens of their choice according to their application needs.
Customers can evaluate e-CAM217_CUMI0234_MOD camera module with NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier NX™/NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™ developer kit using our evaluation kit, e-CAM24_CUNX.
Fig: e-CAM217_CUMI0234_MOD - Full HD Color Global Shutter MIPI Camera Module
Fig: e-CAM24_CUNX - Full HD Color Global Shutter MIPI Camera for Xavier NX/Nano
For more information please visit:e-CAM217_CUMI0234_MOD and e-CAM24_CUNX.
Nov 10, 2020 – e-con Systems Launches 13 MP 4K MIPI Camera for Raspberry Pi 4 |
We are happy to announce the launch e-CAM130_CURB, 13 MP Raspberry Pi 4 MIPI camera, a reliable solution leveraging the latest version of Raspberry Pi to help industries accelerate their journey to market with an easily deployable camera module. e-CAM130_CURB houses e-CAM137A_CUMI1335_MOD, a 13 MP 4K camera module with an S-mount lens holder.
This high quality 4k camera module is based on AR1335 CMOS image sensor from onsemi® and has a dedicated high-performance Image Signal Processor (ISP). e-CAM130_CURB uses MIPI-CSI2 Interface to plug into Raspberry Pi 4 Kit and is supported by embedded Linux and Android. It provides throughputs capable of streaming video data of HD @ 60 fps and 4K @ 15 fps with maximum image transfer rate.
Fig: e-CAM130_CURB - High Quality Camera for Raspberry Pi 4
For more information please visit:e-CAM130_CURB.
Oct 28, 2020 – e-con Systems launches Sony STARVIS IMX327 based Full HD ultra-low light camera module |
We are proud to announce the launch of e-CAM220_CUMI327_MOD, Full HD ultra-low light MIPI CSI-2 camera module. This Full HD camera module is based on 1/2.8" Sony STARVIS® IMX327 CMOS sensor with 2.9-μm pixel size. Its high sensitivity in both visible and near infrared region helps to produce extraordinary images under extreme low-light conditions or even no light (nearly 0 lux) conditions.
Customers can evaluate e-CAM220_CUMI327_MOD camera module with NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™ developer kit using our evaluation kit, e-CAM22_CUXVR.
Fig: e-CAM220_CUMI327_MOD - Full HD Sony STARVIS® IMX327 Ultra-Lowlight Camera Module
Fig: e-CAM22_CUXVR - Sony STARVIS® IMX327 Ultra Low-Light Camera
For more information please visit: e-CAM220_CUMI327_MOD and e-CAM22_CUXVR.
Sep 01, 2020 – e-con Systems Launches IP67 Rugged GMSL2 Camera and Camera Kit Powered by NVIDIA Jetson Edge AI Platform for Industrial Applications |
We are excited to announce the launch of our STURDeCAM20 - industrial grade GMSL2 camera and STURDeCAM20_CUXVR camera kit leveraging the powerful capabilities of the NVIDIA® Jetson™ edge AI platform. The new offerings accelerate time to market for customers developing and deploying ruggedized applications for industrial and outdoor environments such as autonomous mobile robots (AMR), delivery robots, sidewalk robots, blind spot cameras for large vehicles, mining vehicles, forklifts, surround view systems, and more.
The STURDeCAM20 is based on a Full HD CMOS sensor with well-tuned image signal processor (ISP) packed in an IP67 rated (water and dust proof) enclosure with operating temperature of -40° to 85°C. It ships with a 15-meter coaxial cable, enabling seamless high-quality video streaming with very low latency. The camera's single frame 3.0 um dual conversion gain pixel technology and 96 dB high dynamic range (HDR) delivers stunning images even in harsh outdoor conditions and low lighting environments.
Fig: STURDeCAM20 - Full HD rugged GMSL2 camera
Fig: STURDeCAM20_CUXVR - IP67 certified Rugged GMSL2 camera
For more information please visit : STURDeCAM20 - Full HD rugged GMSL2 camera.
AUG 19, 2020 – e-con Systems announces its authorised distributor for Israel |
e-con Systems introduces its new authorised distributor for Israel, C.R.G. Electronics Ltd. With over 30 years of experience in Computing, Electronics & SW Industries., C.R.G will be representing e-con Systems with their local expertise and knowledge to help customers to easily integrate our cameras into their products.
e-con Systems and C.R.G. Electronics being NVIDIA's preferred partner, can provide customer an end to end solution for all their NVIDIA Jetson based requirements, so they can speed up their time to market.
"For years, we have been a camera supplier to customers in Israel, the country with most number of AI start-ups! Like e-con Systems C.R.G. Electronics is NVIDIA preferred partner too and supports customers with Jetson SOMs, Connectech carrier boards, etc. Typically, 80% of NVIDIA Jetson customers use cameras and of course with Artificial intelligence. So, we are bit excited to announce this." said Mr. Harishankkar, VP - Business development. "Our journey to help customers integrate camera in their products continue!", He added.
Customers from Israel can purchase all our camera products directly from C.R.G. Electronics Ltd so that customers can reduce the shipment delay and the custom clearance.
Distributor contact information: |
Contact: Mr. David |
C.R.G. Electronics Ltd |
Petah Tikva Office: 5 Granit St., |
4th floor Petah Tikva, |
4951404, Israel |
Phone : +972-547-716674 |
E-Mail : |
Aug 05, 2020 – e-con Systems launches a bouquet of embedded vision camera kits for Toradex's iMX8 SoM |
We have partnered with the leading SOM manufacturer, Toradex to facilitate our customers with quality embedded vision products. We have launched a bouquet of MIPI CSI-2 camera module for Toradex's iMX8 SoM series, Apalis. Among the camera modules would be e-con's flag ship 4K camera module, e-CAM137A_CUMI1335_MOD. By launching variety of camera modules with different image sensors and various features, enables Toradex Apalis i.MX8 customers to address multiple applications.
Cameras offered |
Features |
High resolution, 4K at 30 FPS
Low light sensitivity, High sharpness
Autofocus, Interlaced High Dynamic Range (iHDR)
5MP monochrome Fixed focus
Monochrome, Near Infrared (NIR)
Fig: e-con Camera support Toradex's iMX8 SoM series
Customers can order the following evaluation kits for testing the various camera modules with the Toradex's Apalisi.MX8 SoMs from e-con's Online Store.
Jul 15, 2020 – e-con Systems Launches 5MP camera support for NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier NX™ Developer Kit |
We are proud to announce the launch of 5MP low noise MIPI camera for NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™ developer kit, e-CAM50_CUNX. This camera is based on 1/2.5" AR0521 images sensor with BSI technology from onsemi®. e-CAM50_CUNX is ideal for customer applications where high resolution 5MP still images or HD video @ 100fps are required.
Fig: e-CAM50_CUNX - 5.0 MP NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX/NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™ Camera |
For more information, please visit e-CAM50_CUNX. Customers interested in evaluating the e-CAM50_CUNX can order samples from e-con Systems Online Store.
May 06, 2020 – e-con Systems Launches 2MP Monochrome Global Shutter USB Camera |
e-con Systems' new See3CAM_20CUG, 2MP, 3.0μm Global Shutter USB 3.1 Gen 1 SuperSpeed Camera with NIR sensitivity.
e-con Systems announces the launch of See3CAM_20CUG, 2MP Monochrome Global Shutter USB 3.1 Gen1 superspeed Camera. It is based on OmniVision's OV2311 image sensor with 3μm x 3μm pixel with OmniPixel® 3-GS technology. It has S-mount (M12) lens holder which allows customers to choose and use the lens according to their requirement. It is a Plug-and-Play camera (UVC compliant) for Windows and Linux.
See3CAM_20CUG can capture images at very High Frame Rate (HFR) which helps to minimize the distracting effects while capturing fast moving objects and produce much smoother images, with greater details in a scene. The High Near-Infrared Capabilities helps to produce exceptional image quality beyond visible light region.
Fig: See3CAM_20CUG - 2MP Monochrome global shutter USB 3.1 Gen1 superspeed Camera |
For more information, please visit See3CAM_20CUG. Customers interested in evaluating the See3CAM_20CUG can order samples from e-con Systems Online Store.
Mar 19, 2020 – e-con Systems launching Ready-to-Market See3CAM_CU20 USB Camera with CE and FCC compliance |
e-con Systems announces the launch of Box camera - See3CAM_CU20_CHL_BX. This is based on our hugely popular low light camera e-CAM20_CU0230_MOD. This 2MP USB 3.1 Gen 1 camera comes with an aluminium enclosure which ensures the safety even at the most challenging conditions. It is fully compliance with CE and FCC.
Fig: See3CAM_CU20_CHL_BX - 2MP USB 3.1 Gen 1 camera for aluminium enclosure |
For more information please visit
Mar 11, 2020 – e-con Systems launches USB 3.1 SuperSpeed Camera, with ultra-HDR and LED Flicker Mitigation features |
We are proud to announce the launch of See3CAM_CU22, a 2MP Color ultra-HDR USB 3.1 Gen 1 SuperSpeed Camera. It comes with a 1/2.5" AR0233AT CMOS image sensor from onsemi®, with the latest 3.0μm Dual Conversion Gain BSI Pixel Technology, to produce Full Resolution LED Flicker Mitigation (LFM) with Ultra-High Dynamic Range (HDR).
Fig: See3CAM_CU22 - 2MP HDR Camera with LED Flicker Mitigation |
For more information, please visit See3CAM_CU22. Customers interested in evaluating the See3CAM_CU22 can order samples from e-con Systems Online Store.
Feb 26, 2020 – e-con Systems Launches Camera Support for Google Coral Development Board |
We are proud to announce the launch of e-CAM50_CUCRL, a 5 MP camera board for Coral development board from Google. This is based on AR0521, a 5 MP, 1/2.5" optical format, 2.2-micron pixel size CMOS image sensor from onsemi®. The on-board high-performance Image Signal Processor (ISP) has been tuned to produce best quality images of up to 5 MP in both uncompressed YUV422 format and compressed MJPEG format.
Fig: e-CAM50_CUCRL - 5.0 MP Camera for Google Coral |
For more information, please visit e-CAM50_CUCRL . Customers interested in evaluating the e-CAM50_CUCRL can order samples from e-con Systems Online Store.
Jan 22, 2020 – e-con Systems launches 5MP MIPI Camera for Rockchip RK3399 |
We are proud to announce the launch of 5MP MIPI camera for Rock960 developer kit, e-CAM50_CU96. This camera is based on 1/2.5" AR0521 images sensor with BSI technology from onsemi®. e-CAM50_CU96 is ideal for customer applications where high resolution 5MP still images or HD video @ 70fps are required.
Fig: e-CAM50_CU96 - 5.0 MP camera for Rockchip RK3399 |
For more information, please visit e-CAM50_CU96.