STURDeCAM31 - 3MP Sony® ISX031 120dB HDR Camera for Autonomous Mobility


  • HDR camera module based on Sony® ISX031 sensor incorporating sub-pixel technology
  • Low-light 120dB HDR without Motion artifacts
  • LED Flicker Mitigation (LFM)
  • GMSL2™ interface (Coaxial cable of upto 15m with FAKRA connector)
  • IP69K-rated camera designed for autonomous mobility
  • Ensures resilient camera streaming by monitoring sensor, MCU, and GMSL™ link health

Sample Price

USD 299

Volume Price
starts at

USD 99

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Excluding Shipment Charges


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STURDeCAM31 is a small form factor GMSL2™ IP69K HDR camera powered by a 1/2.42" Sony® ISX031 sensor. This automotive grade 3MP CMOS sensor, paired with a well-tuned Image Signal Processor (ISP), produces exceptional image quality at low lighting conditions. Its 120dB High Dynamic Range (HDR) capability ensures reliable images even in challenging outdoor light conditions. It also features LED Flicker Mitigation (LFM) to guarantee accurate capture of images with pulsed light sources like LEDs. This camera, which comes with an IP69K-rated enclosure, is supplied with an IP69K M12 lens that is focused and glued in our factory. Additionally, this camera supports both 3-meter and 15-meter coaxial cables.

Refer pdfDatasheet for complete frame rate details.

  • Key features:
    • Frame Rate - Streams 1920 x 1536 @60 fps, 1920x1536 @30 fps
      Refer pdfDatasheet for complete frame rate details.
    • Output format: UYVY
    • S-mount IP69K compliant lens focused and glued at factory
    • Lightweight, versatile, and portable design
    • Small form factor
  • Interface:
  • Sensor features:
    • Sensor: ISX031 from Sony®
    • Focus Type: Fixed focus
    • Focus Distance : 1.28 m to Infinity
    • Sensor Resolution: 3MP
    • Chroma: Color
    • Shutter Type: Electronic Rolling Shutter
    • Optical Format: 1/2.42"
    • Output Format: UYVY
    • Pixel Size: 3μm x 3μm
    • Sensor Active Area: 1937 (H) x 1553 (V)
    • Dynamic Range: Max upto 120 dB
    • Holder: M12 (S-Mount)
    • FOV:
      • 54.04°(H), 42.86°(V), 70.17°(D) (Default lens provided by e-con)
      • 128.7°(H), 98.7°(V), 170.1°(D) (Please contact e-con)
  • Electrical & Mechanical:
    • Operating Voltage: 12V+/- 250mV
    • Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C
    • Typical power consumption: 1.324W
    • Size in mm (l x b):
      • Camera With enclosure - 25 x 25 mm
    • Board weight : 40 Grams (with lens)
  • Standards and Compliance:
    • FCC Class-B, RoHS
    • For application specific standards, refer here » refer here»
    • IP69K Certified (Dust tight with protection against close-range high pressure, high temperature spray downs)
  • Launched on: launching date
Emission standards:
S.No Certification Test Specifications
1 FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class-B

Test done according to Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) regulations for electronic devices under subpart B

Application Specific Standards:
1 Delivery robots

Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Emission requirements 30MHz to 6000MHz

EN 61000-4-3:2020
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-3 : Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test 80MHz to 6000MHz @ 3V/m

ISO 16750-4
Road vehicles Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment
Part 4: Climatic loads


ISO 16750-3
Road vehicles Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment
Part 3: Mechanical loads

2 Warehouse robots

Vehicles, boats, and internal combustion engines - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of on- board receivers, 30 MHz to 1000 MHz

ISO 11452-2
Road vehicles Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy
Part 2: Absorber-lined shielded enclosure 200MHz to 2000MHZ @30V/m.


ISO 11452-4
Road vehicles Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy
Part 4: Bulk current injection (BCI) 20MHz to 200MHz @60mA

4 Autonomous vehicle
5 Road vehicles
6 Remote driving
7 Earth moving and building construction machinery

ISO 14982
Agricultural and forestry machinery — Electromagnetic compatibility — Test methods and acceptance criteria from 30MHz to 1000MHz

ISO 13766-1
Earth-moving and building construction machinery — Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of machines with internal electrical power supply 200MHz to 2000MHz @24V/m

8 Agriculture and forest machinery

ISO 13766-1
Earth-moving and building construction machinery — Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of machines with internal criteria electrical power supply 30 to 1000MHz

Agricultural and forestry machinery — Electromagnetic compatibility - Test methods and acceptance criteria 200MHz to 2000MHz @ 24v/m.

Note: The product has been qualified for above standards with simulated control unit. Final Certification to be performed with targeted system & application.

 Bullat Arrow  STURDeCAM31 Documents
 Bullat Arrow  Compliance

Download 3MP Camera Documents

Part No Kit Contents Sample Price
(1 Unit)
  • One * STURDeCAM31 - ISX031 3MP GMSL2 HDR camera with IP69K Enclosure
  • One * 70° DFOV Lens
  • One * 3 meters coaxial cable
  • One * Deserializer board with 2 x quad Fakra connectors
USD 549 buy now
  • One * STURDeCAM31 - ISX031 3MP GMSL2 HDR camera with IP69K Enclosure
  • One * 70° DFOV Lens
  • One * 3 meters coaxial cable
USD 349 buy now
  • One * STURDeCAM31 - ISX031 3MP GMSL2 HDR camera with IP69K Enclosure
  • One * 70° DFOV Lens
USD 299 buy now

Please contact for information about the customization options, including the 170° wide-angle lens, 15-meter cable and Jetson AGX Xavier platform support.

Note: The new deserializer board with this kit is a must for the camera. Old deserializer boards are not compatible. Refer GMSL cable connection guide to connect the camera with the deserializer board.

* - The IP69K rating is applicable only when the customer utilizes the appropriate IP69K validated GMSL cable with this specific part number.


STURDeCAM31 - Customization and Porting Services for other Application Processor platforms:

e-con Systems® provides camera driver development, customization and porting services for STURDeCAM31 on any application platform as per customer requirements. For any driver customization or porting services or for using this Full HD camera with your application processor platform

STURDeCAM31 - Customization

e-con provides customization, development and porting services for the following requirements:

  • Change of lens to meet your FOV and other requirements
  • Support to other NVIDIA Jetson platforms from other vendors
  • To support other processor platforms
  • Camera and features customization based on specific requirements. Please contact for customization requirements.
