OpenCV Camera Software (Windows & Linux)

OpenCView is the open-source camera software developed by e-con Systems for Windows and Linux platforms. This OpenCV-based camera application offers a more user-friendly interface for capturing images and streaming from devices that utilize Windows and Linux UVC drivers. Compatibility extends to V4L2 and DirectShow compliant devices. The OpenCView application is written in C++ and Python language.
This OpenCV application is a command-line based application that supports both standard UVC controls like brightness, contrast, saturation, and so on, as well as AAA functions like auto exposure, autofocus, and auto white balance. Read More »
- Equipped with C++ & Python
- Supports Windows & Linux
- Enhances real-time vision applications
- Written natively in C+, with a templated interface
Main features of OpenCV
See3CAM series and OpenCV: The perfect match
Using OpenCV Python, e-con Systems have developed the sample command line-based application to interface our See3CAM series 3.0 cameras. All See3CAM series of cameras are UVC compatible, and they don't require additional drivers to be installed.
OpenCV applications, by default, provide standard UVC controls like brightness, contrast, saturation, etc. However, they do not support access controls like auto exposure, autofocus, and auto white balance - commonly known as AAA control functions.
To overcome this challenge, e-con Systems has developed the OpenCV Python application to support both standard UVC controls and AAA control functions. The application also extends the support for seamless streaming and high-quality image capture in both Windows and Linux Operating Systems.
- See3CAM is the USB 3.0 camera series from e-con Systems. These cameras are UVC-compliant that has Plug & Play support which does not require to install additional device drivers manually
- See3CAM series has a wide range of cameras from 2MP to 16MP with Fixed focus and Autofocus lens variants.
- See3CAM cameras support Windows, Linux with sample applications
Why See3CAM series?
Let us dive into how to use the See3CAM camera with e-con Systems' OpenCV application in Python.
- Host PC: Ubuntu-18.04 and 20.04 (Linux) and Windows 8 and 10
- OpenCV Version: 4.5.5,4.6.0 and 4.7.0
- Python Version: 3.9
Tested System:
Tested e-con Cameras
Supported OpenCView - Windows & Linux Software - which is compatible with e-con's USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 cameras provides an easy user interface for seamless streaming and high-quality image capture from devices supported by the Windows & Linux UVC driver.
- Enumerating and listing all the connected video devices
- Changing color space/compression, resolution, and frame rate for a video stream
- Capturing still images and setting the path to store them
- Configuring UVC controls supported by the camera
The application can support basic features such as :
- Download the application source code from below github link - Please refer the installation manual to install the OpenCVCam application from the following link: