1. General |
1.1 What is e-conRDA? |
e-conRDA is e-con's Remote Device Access software. It allows you to connect to a remote device and view its screen and control it from wherever you are on the Internet. |
1.2 How does it work? |
Once e-conRDA is setup on a device using the installer provided by e-con, you can login to your e-conRDA device management console web page using your browser and connect to it. No other configuration is required on your network equipment or device or on your personal computer. |
e-conRDA establishes a secure connection between you and the device through any firewalls in between. You will be able to view the contents of the screen attached to the device on your PC and control it from your end. |
e-conRDA tries to minimize latency in data transfer by trying to connect and transfer data directly with the device. In cases where it could not directly connect with the device because of the nature of some firewalls, e-conRDA relays your data securely via., a cloud service. |
All connections and data are secure using industrial strength protocols such as secure sockets, https, DTLS, etc., |
Your accounts and device information are securely maintained on AWS cloud by e-con. |
1.3 Can I use mouse and keyboard remotely using e-conRDA? |
Yes. Once you connect to a remote device from your browser, you can use your mouse and keyboard to control it. |
1.4 Is there a free trial version I can use to test e-conRDA? |
Yes. e-con provides a 15-day free trial period to deploy and test e-conRDA on your development kit or product under test. Please contact our sales
sales@e-consystems.com. for your e-conRDA package and cloud account access. |
1.5 What is e-conRDA device management console? |
e-con provides users with a cloud account to which users can login using their browser and manage devices remotely. The web page on which users can add/remove, list and connect to devices is called e-conRDA device management console.
2. Installation/Deployment |
2.1 How to install e-conRDA in my device? |
e-con Systems will provide you with an installer that you can download and run on the device to get things setup. Please contact our sales team
sales@e-consystems.com. |
2.2 Is there an e-conRDA SDK that I can use to integrate e-conRDA into my existing product? |
Yes, e-con can provide an SDK on request which you can use to integrate e-conRDA remote viewing into your platform.
2.3 What must I install in my PC/laptop to use e-conRDA? |
You will need the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser to access e-conRDA to connect with your device. No other configuration is generally required. |
2.4 What are the platforms supported by e-conRDA? |
e-conRDA by default supports e-con SOMs running Linux kernel. Please contact our sales team sales@e-consystems.com if you need it customized for your product. |
2.5 Do I need to setup any special network for e-conRDA to work? |
e-conRDA is designed to work with your existing network setup without any modifications to NAT or firewall, mostly. The only requirement is your device/product should be able to reach the internet if it already does not.
2.6 What is the process to get e-conRDA up and running again on my device if I flash the board? |
If you flash your device, you can re-install e-conRDA by running the installer once again. |
3. Account |
3.1 Do I have to create an e-conRDA account for remote access? |
Yes, you need to register to create an e-conRDA cloud account for remote access. You will be able to access your devices only through this cloud account. |
3.2 Is there any activation procedure? |
Yes, after you create an account, e-con will be send an e-mail to your registered e-mail address. This e-mail will contain an activation code that you need to enter the first time you login to e-conRDA device management console.
3.3 How can I add my device in my account? |
Once you activate your account, you will be able to add your devices using your account and the UID of the device. Please allow few seconds for e-conRDA to refresh your newly added device. You can know the active status of your device by clicking the refresh button.
3.4 How can I know the UID of my device? |
You can find out the UID your device by connecting it to a PC via minicom. The UID of the device will be displayed before the login prompt in the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx. |
3.5 What is the maximum number of devices I can add to my e-conRDA account? |
Technically there is no limitation on the number of devices a user can add to their account.
3.6 Can the same device be registered by more than one user? |
Generally, we do not recommend this, but one can add the same device to multiple accounts with a customization request.
3.4 How can I check if my device is currently online? |
Once you have added your device in management console, you will see a button showing the status of the device. You can click this button to manually check if your device is online or offline. |
4. Connectivity |
4.1 How do I access my devices? |
You can login to your e-conRDA device management console account and view the list of your devices and connect to anyone of them. |
4.2 Is Internet connection a must for e-conRDA? |
Yes. Both the device and your computer needs to be connected to the Internet for e-conRDA to work.
4.3 What changes must I make in my router/firewall for e-conRDA to work? |
Mostly no changes are required on your network equipment. e-conRDA was designed to work out of the box without any additional setup.
4.4 How many users can remotely access my device? |
Only you can access your device. By default, no other user will be allowed to register your device in their account. |
4.5 How many devices can I remotely access simultaneously? |
You can only access one device at a given time in one view. |
4.6 How does e-conRDA cross firewalls/routers to establish a connection? |
e-conRDA connections use the standard ports which firewall administrators generally configure for a corporate network. It does not generally demand to configure any additional ports. |
4.7 What types of NAT/firewall does e-conRDA support? |
e-conRDA was designed to establish direct connection between the device and the browser. If a direct connection is not possible, it tries to relay the data via our secure servers on the cloud. So, e-conRDA can work on any NAT/firewall which allows standard corporate traffic.
Technically e-conRDA supports both symmetric and asymmetric NAT equipment.
4.8 Can I use e-conRDA within my local area network(LAN)? |
e-conRDA requires internet to establish a connection via., e-conRDA cloud. So even if the device and the PC are on local network they both need internet access. In cases if you need a LAN only setup, contact e-con system's sales team and we can customize it for you with very minimal changes. |
4.9 Does e-conRDA use IPv4 or IPv6? |
e-conRDA is designed, developed and tested on IPV4 network. It may or may not work with IPV6. |
4.10 Is there a timeout period for inactive e-conRDA sessions? |
Your remote access sessions will not be timed out automatically till you log out. In future, we will provide re-configurable time-outs. |
4.11 Which network interfaces are used by e-conRDA for remote access? |
e-conRDA uses the currently active network interfaces that can reach the internet. So, if the device is connected to the Internet via Ethernet, it uses Ethernet. If it is connected using Wi-Fi, then e-conRDA uses Wi-Fi. If its connected to internet using Wi-Fi and Ethernet, it will choose the one with low network latency. |
4.12 What are the ports used by e-conRDA at both device and browser side? |
By default, e-conRDA works if both the device and your computer are connected to the Internet. The device makes outbound UDP connections to e-conRDA servers to obtain information about the browser and opens another UDP port to the browser's IP address. |
5. Security |
5.1 How can you guarantee that my remote access connection is secure? |
e-conRDA uses DTLS to secure the connection between the device and your computer. So, the connection is encrypted and secure end-to-end. |
5.2 What type of encryption is used? |
e-conRDA uses 128 bit AES encryption to encrypt data during the remote access session. |
5.3 Is the web page secure? |
e-conRDA management console is protected using HTTPS which is the de facto security standard used on the Internet to protect web pages. |
5.4 How are my account details protected? Is my account password encrypted? |
e-conRDA account details are stored in a database located behind powerful, robust firewalls on AWS cloud. The account passwords are cryptographically encrypted and stored. |
5.5 How is e-conRDA protected against Man-in-the-Middle(MITM) attacks? |
A middle in the man attack cannot decode the channel or data on e-conRDA connections as they are protected by encryption and secure transport layers. |
6. Performance |
6.1 What kind of delay(latency) can I expect when using e-conRDA? |
This completely depends on the network bandwidth available between the device and browser for a direct connection in your setup. If the firewall does not allow a direct connection, e-conRDA introduces a minimum delay by relaying the connection data via., cloud relay servers. |
6.2 What is the minimum bandwidth required for optimal performance? |
For a smooth experience, we recommend using e-conRDA with a minimum 2Mbps connection. |
6.3 Will e-conRDA work on a dial-up connection? |
Yes, dial-up connection can be used, but please note the latency can go up significantly higher. |
6.4 Can I use e-conRDA to watch videos/camera feed from device remotely? |
e-conRDA for now is optimized for using with non-video applications, its more suitable for remote support and equipment training. |
7. Misc |
7.1 Will e-conRDA work on a headless device (without a monitor)? |
e-conRDA works on most headless systems, unless the graphics card demands one. |
7.2 What is the maximum display size e-conRDA supports? |
e-conRDA is tested for screen resolutions up to 1920x1080(Full HD). |
7.3 What languages does e-conRDA supports? |
e-conRDA trial versions is in English out of the box. If you need additional language support, please contact e-con sales team sales@e-consystems.com.. |
7.4 Can I transfer files/copy text from clipboard using e-conRDA? |
There is no support for file transfer or clipboard transfers currently. This is a feature we are planning to add based on demand. |