Sony® STARVIS™ IMX327 Ultra Low-Light MIPI Camera for Toshiba DME's Jetson AGX Xavier™ Edge AI Box

e-CAM22_CUXVR is a Full HD ultra-low light MIPI camera solution for Toshiba's DME Jetson AGX Xavier™ Edge AI Box. This camera solution is based on the camera module e-CAM220_CUMI327_MOD, a Sony® STARVIS™ IMX327 color CMOS image sensor. Its high sensitivity helps to brings out extraordinary color images even in absolute darkness. This high sensitivity ultra low light camera can also perform exceptionally well in both visible and near infrared region (NIR). This Starlight Camera uses Toshiba on-board Jetson AGX Xavier™ Image Signal Processor (ISP) to perform all the Auto functions (Auto White Balance, Auto Exposure control) and significantly improve quality.
- Houses e-CAM220_CUMI327_MOD - 2.0 MP Sony® Starvis Camera Module with S-mount lens holder
- High-speed 4-lane MIPI CSI-2 interface product variants to connect with the CPU
- Plugs in to Toshiba's DME Jetson AGX Xavier™ Edge AI Box
- Uses Toshiba's Internal Image Signal Processor (ISP) for image processing
- Maximum Image Transfer Rate
Resolutions YUV (NV12) Sync Mode Async Mode HD (1280 x 720) 30 fps 60 fps FHD (1920 x 1080) 30 fps 60 fps - Operating Voltage : 3.3V +/- 5%
- Operating Temperature Range : -30°C to 85°C
- Power consumption: Max 1.940W, Min 1.650W (Streaming four Cameras on Toshiba's DME Jetson AGX Xavier)
- Asynchronous and Synchronous modes
- Hardware Frame level synchronization by interconnecting all cameras in Master-Slave configuration
- Control for individual cameras and numbers of cameras to be streamed is selectable
- Customized LibArgus application for multicamera streaming, image capture and video recording
- Gstreamer-1.0 support for video recording and network streaming
- Base Board size ( L x W ): 75.03 mm x 40.69 mm
- Lightweight, versatile, and portable multi-board solution
- Adaptor board size in mm (l x b) : 30 x 30 (Height depends on the lens)
- Micro-Coaxial Cable Length : 30 cm (1 m*)
- RoHS compliant
- Launched on:
Sensor:1/2.8" Optical format CMOS Image sensor
Focus Type:Fixed focus
Resolution:Full HD
Pixel size:2.9 μm x 2.9 μm
Sensor Active Area:1945H x 1097V
G sensitivity:2.376 V @ 12-bit HCG mode, 0.921 V @ 12-bit LCG mode
Output Format:RAW 12 bit
Shutter type:Electronic Rolling Shutter
ISP:External ISP
DFOV :Full HD - 132°(with the lens provided by e-con)
Linux camera driver:
Full-fledged Linux camera driver for MIPI CSI-2 camera module. The driver supports e-con's e-CAM22_CUXVR on Toshiba's DME Jetson AGX Xavier™ Edge AI Box.
- Supported Jetpack & L4T Version
- NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™ - JetPack 4.4.0 L4T32.4.3
- V4L2 Linux driver for MIPI CSI-2 camera module
- Video preview
- Still Image capture
- Camera controls via IOCTLs
- Sample application with source Code for Linux:
- Video Preview
- Still Image capture at selected sensor modes (eCAM_argus_camera and eCAM_Argus_MultiCamera)
- Camera Controls
- Exposure (both manual and automatic)
- Sensor Gain
- Exposure Time
- Frame Rate
- Sensor Mode Index
Please contact for any customization or porting of camera driver to your requirements.
Kit Contents:
- Hardware:
- e-CAM22_CUXVR - 2MP MIPI Camera board with lens, Adaptor Board, Base board to connect with camera, Micro-coaxial cable, SD Card (Contains Linux Driver & Sample Application)
- Software:
- V4L2 - Sample View finder Applications with Source Code
- eCAM_argus_camera Application - for single camera streaming
- eCAM_Argus_MultiCamera Application - for four camera streaming
Please contact for any customization or porting of camera driver to your requirements.